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Term | Definition |
Inferior | Bottom half of body |
Cyanosis | Not enough oxygen (blue) |
Lateral | Lying on side |
DCAPBTLSIC | Deformities Contusions (bruises) Abrasions / Avulsions / Amputations Punctures Bleeding / Burns Tenderness Lacerations Spine / Swelling Instability (broken bones moving) Crepitus (bones grinding) |
Anterior | Front half of body |
CSM | Circulation Sensation Motor |
SOB | Shortness of breath |
NOI | Nature of illness |
CP | Chest pain |
OPQRST | Onset Provocation Quality Region / Radiation Severity Time |
Dyspnea | Shortness of breath |
Prone | Lying face down |
Superior | Top half of body |
PT | Patient |
Proximal | Close to torso |
PERRL | Pupils Equal Round Reactive Light |
NRM | Non-rebreather mask |
California Poison Control | 1-800-222-1222 |
MOI | Mechanism of injury |
Systolic | (Top blood pressure number) Force of blood out of heart |
JVD | Jugular Vein Distention |
Apnea | Not breathing |
LOC | Level of consciousness |
Evisceration | Take out an organ |
AVPU | Alert Verbal Painful Unresponsive |
Diaphoresis | Sweaty/Clammy |
Capillary refill | Time it takes for blood to return to capillaries |
CPR | Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation |
NC | Nasal cannula |
Palpate | Feeling body parts |
Diastolic | (Bottom blood pressure number) Force of blood in heart |
Auscultate | Listen to body sounds |
KISS | Keep It Simple Stupid |
Distal | Far from torso |
Texture | Clammy / Diaphoretic / Dry |
Skin color | Arms match face |
RT | Right |
Supine | Lying face up |
Posterior | Back half of body |
LT | Left |
Temperature | Warm / Hot / Cool / Cold |
EMT | Emergency Medical Technician |
Implied consent | No need for consent: - Under 18 - Mental handicap - Altered mental state |
CSF | Cerebral spinal fluid |
Actual consent | Consent given by patient |
Trendelenburg | Supine with legs elevated |
SAMPLE | Signs / Symptoms Allergies Medications Past med history Last oral intake Events leading up to event |