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Oriole IB Organelles

fold-ables, ch 4 work

DIVISION OF LABOR concept that describes how each cell type in an organism has a specific job to do, so that any one cell type doesn't have to do everything by itself
MICROFILAMENTS these structures make up part of the cytoskeleton in living cells as well as part of your muscle cells, allowing them to contract
MITOCHONDRIA these organelles have a double-layered membrane and are used to release energy from food particles brought into the cell
RIBOSOMES in all living cells, proteins needed for 'life' functions are all synthesized (built) on these structures
FLUID MOSAIC MODEL this name is a way of describing the liquid composition of the lipid bilayer that also includes things that are embedded or 'stuck' in that liquid membrane
CHROMATIN the mass of genetic material found inside the nuclear membrane that will turn into individual chromosomes when the cell gets ready to divide
ORGANELLES these specific packages or areas inside a living cell are specialized to carry out specific tasks so the cell can function and survive
DIFFUSION how particles move randomly from where there are very high numbers of them toward areas where there are a lot fewer of those particles
CENTRIOLES structures found in animal cells but NOT plant cells; they are responsible for controlling cell division (mitosis)
MULTICELLULAR these types of organisms are composed of many, many cells (and cell types) instead of just one single cell
FUNCTIONS all cells perform basic life _____ through the use of specific organelles that allow the cell to survive
CELLS these are considered to be the basic units of structure and function in living, multicellular organisms
NUCLEOPLASM the liquid material (protoplasm) of a cell that is only found INSIDE the nuclear membrane would be called this…
WATER protoplasm contains proteins, fats, oils, carbohydrates, minerals, and ions, but is composed mostly (about 70%) of this…
UNICELLULAR organisms that are composed of just a single cell that performs ALL life functions by itself are considered to be…
DIGEST all living cells must be able to _____ the tiny food particles it receives in order to release the chemical energy stored in them to carry out 'life' functions
CYTOPLASM the liquid material (protoplasm) of a cell that can only be found OUTSIDE the nucleus is otherwise known as this…
PLASMA (CELL) MEMBRANE structure composed of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins that controls movement into and out of living cells
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM serves as a 'highway system' for transporting proteins and other particles within a cell; is sometimes covered with ribosomes
CYTOPLASM a gel-like, watery substance that supports cell shape, holds organelles in place, and stores dissolved nutrients and minerals in suspension
MITOCHONDRIA uses oxygen to break down small food molecules and release energy by breaking chemical bonds; the 'powerhouse' of the cell
RIBOSOME the site of amino acid linkage; function is similar to a protein 'assembly line' or 'manufacturing plant'
CHLOROPLAST responsible for 'food' production in producer cells using light energy and raw materials from the soil and air
CILIA lots of tiny little 'hairs' that are used to move things across the cell surface OR to move the cell through its environment
CYTOSKELETON internal arrangement of microtubules and microfilaments used for maintaining cell shape and aids in cell division
PEROXISOMES acts as a sort of 'detox center' for the cell by changing toxins or other harmful substances (like fatty acids and alcohol) into water and carbon dioxide
NUCLEOLUS part of the control center whose function is to provide the cell with the necessary 'parts' of the protein-making organelles
CENTRAL VACUOLE this is used primarily for storage of water, starch, or waste in plant cells - kind of like a living 'warehouse'
GOLGI APPARATUS the 'post office' of a living cell, since it repackages, labels, and ships newly formed proteins to where they are needed in the cell
LYSOSOME this organelle helps out the 'powerhouse' by breaking down large food particles into smaller pieces that it can use directly, acting like a 'stomach' for the cell
CELL WALL cell structure found only in plant cells; it acts as an outside support system, composed of cellulose; think of a 'rough-framed' house with no siding or sheetrock
NUCLEUS primary cell organelle that is surrounded by a double-membrane; contains genetic material (DNA) and is known as the 'brain' of the cell
VESICLES produced by Golgi apparatus, cell membrane, or endoplasmic reticulum; these act as temporary storage packets and are often called the 'backpacks' of the cell
Created by: nstevens
Popular Biology sets




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