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Latin Alive

Latin alive all flash cards

amo to love
canto to sing
laboro to work
navigo to sail
oppugno to attack
non not
ambulo to walk
aro to plow
habito to live
porto to carry
rogo to ask
regno to rule
voco to call
et and
aut or
agricola farmer
femina woman
Graecia Greece
incola settler
insula island
nauta sailor
patria fatherland
poeta poet
puella girl
regina queen
terra earth, land
Troia Troy
pulcher beautiful
amica friend (female)
ancilla maid-servant
cena dinner
culina kitchen
fabula story
filia daughter
pupa doll
rosa rose
stella star
aedifico to build
specto to look at
ager feild
amicus friend (male)
auxilium aid, help
bellum war
donum gift
equus horse
germanus brother
humus ground
liber children
oppidum town
puer boy
socius ally
vir man
do to give
monstro to show
narro to tell
pugno to fight
servo to take care of, guard
deus god
flamma flame
scutum shield
signum sign
templum temple
creo to create
iuvo to help
opto to wish for
salto to leap
sum to be
aeneus bronze
bonus good
magnus big
multus many
pius pious
sacer sacred
tutus protected
dum while
tum then
quoque also
Created by: BCAteach
Popular Latin sets




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