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Unit 2, Chapter 12

Unit 2, Chapter 12 key terms--Alison Miles

AFEBRILE without fever
APICAL PULSE heartbeat as listened to with the bell or diaphragm of a stethoscope placed on the apex of the heart
APNEA cessation of airflow through the nose and mouth
BRADYCARDIA slower than normal heart rate; heart contracts fewer than 60 times per minute
BRADYPNEA abnormally slow rate of breathing
CENTIGRADE (Celsius) denotes temperature scale in which 0 degrees is the freezing point of water and 100 degrees is the boiling point of water at sea level
CORE TEMPERATURE temperature of deep structures of the body
DIAPHORESIS secretion of sweat, especially profuse secretion associated with an elevated body temperature, physical exertion, or emotional stress
DIFFUSION movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration
EUPNEA normal respirations that are quiet, effortless, and rhythmical
FAHRENHEIT denotes temperature scale in which 32 degrees is freezing point of water and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water at sea level
FEBRILE pertaining to or characterized by an elevated body temperature
FEVER HEAT STROKE continued exposure to extreme heat raising the core temperature to 40.5 degrees C (105F) or higher
HYPERTENSION disorder characterized by an elevated blood pressure persistently exceeding 120/80 mm Hg
HYPOTENSION abnormal lowering of blood pressure that is inadequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of tissues
HYPERTHERMIA situation in which body temperature exceeds the set point
HYPOTHERMIA abnormal lowering of body temperature below 35 degrees C, or 95 degrees F, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold
KOROTKOFF SOUND sound heard during the taking of blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope
ORTHOSTATIC HYPOENSION abnormally low blood pressure occurring when a person stands up
OXYGEN SATURATION the amount of hemoglobin fully saturated with oxygen, given as a percent value
PERFUSION (1) passage of a fluid through a specific organ or an area of the body, (2) therapeutic measure whereby a drug intended for an isolated part of the body is introduced via the bloodstream
PULSE PRESSURE difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures, normally 30 to 40 mm Hg
PYREXIA abnormal elevation of the temperature of the body above 37degrees C (98.6F) because of disease; same as fever
SPHYGMOMANOMETER device used for measuring the arterial blood pressure; consists of an arm/leg cuff with air bladder connected to a tube and bulb for pumping air into the bladder and a gauge for indicating the amount of air pressure being exerted against the artery
SYSTOLIC pertaining to or resulting from ventricular contraction
DIASTOLIC pertaining to diastole, or the blood pressure at the instant of maximum cardiac relaxation
TACHYPNEA abnormally rapid rate of breathing
VENTILATION respiratory process by which gases are moved into and out of the lungs
VITAL SIGNS temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure
Created by: txladybug70
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