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Alimentary canal The digective system is made up of a continous any wa tube that begins in the mouth and ends with the anus.
Anus Are eliminated from the body (ingestion) though the anus.
Appendicitis An infection at the appendix.
Appendix located near the beginning of the large intestine is a small finger like projetion .
bile Is stored in the gall bladder and enters the small intestine throught the bile duet.
Chemical digestion large organic molecule are broken down into small simple molecules by the chemica process of hydrolosis.
Chyme the food becomes a thick soupy mixture.
colon the large intestine is also called the colon.
Constipation a condition where the feces remain in the colon too long.
Diarrhea the condition in which the feces do not remain in the large intestine long enough for the water to be absorbed.
Esophagus is a tube that moves food from the mouth to the stomach by persistalsis.
Fece the remaining undigested substances.
gall bladder the small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver, in which bile is stored after secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine.
gastric juice a thin, clear, virtually colorless acidic fluid secreted by the stomach glands and active in promoting digestion.
Hydrochloric acid destroys bacterias normally present in food and provides the proper pH for enzyme action.
Large intestine undigested foods (wastes) pass from the small intestine into the large intestine.
Lipases process greatly increase the sarface are a of fat particles there by speeding up fat digestion.
Live prepares fats and oils for enzyme digestion by breaking them down into smaller pieces.
Mechanical digestion In most organisms food must indergo a mechanical brakdown.
Mucus lubricates (moinstens) food so that it slides down the esophagus more easily.
Oral cavity food is ingested throught the mouth which is also.
Pancreas digestion is complisted as a result of the action of enzyme produced by intestinal glands and pancreas.
Pepsin A proteolytic enzyme in the gastric juice of birds, reptiles, fish, and mammals that partially digest dietary proteins into simpler, shorter chains of amino acids such as proteoses and peptones in the presence of hydrochloric acid.
Peristalsis food moves in one direction through the alimentary canal by slow, rhythmic muscular contraction.
Ptyalin starts the chemical digestion of starches.
Rectum are stored in the lower end of the large intestine.
Rennin is an enzyme that begins the chemical digestion of milk protein.
Saliva has mucus that moistens food making it easier to swallow.
Salivary glands located in the oral cavity, secrete saliva.
Small intestine food digestion is completed and digested nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.
Stomach is a muscular action that moves food.
Ulcer is an open, painful sore in the stomach lining.
Villi increase the surface area of the small intestine fot he absorption of the end products of digestion.
Created by: angyhorna
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