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Disassociate d/o

Disassociative d/o

Dissaociative d/o significant adverse experiences- interruption of consciousness Unconscious defense mechanism-Protects individual against overwhelming anxiety through emotional separation
Dissaociative d/o Disturbances in integration of consciousness, memory, identify, and perception, Dissociation is unconscious d/t anxiety
Prevalence Unknown: estimated from 5%-20% among psychiatric patients
Comorbidity PTSD, borderline personality disorder (BPD), childhood sexual abuse, attention deficit disorder
Depersonalization/derealisation disorder— This disorder is characterized by feeling that the person is detached from the body- observing themselves at a distance.
Dissociative amnesia –inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful event. Cannot be explained by normal forgetfulness.
Dissociative identity disorder– the presence of 2 or more distinct personality states that recurrently take control of behavior.
Subtype : dissociative fugue- sudden unexpected travel away from customary locale and inability to recall one’s identity and information about some or all of the past. Usually precipitated by a traumatic event.
Genetics Dissociative identify disorder more common in first-degree relatives of individuals with this disorder.
Cultural considerations- high level of activity, a trancelike state, and running or fleeing, followed by exhaustion, sleep, and amnesia regarding the episode. If they occur in in corresponding geographical areas –need to be differentiated from dissociative disorders.
Psychological factors- disassociation is a primitive ego defense mechanism. Normal and emotional parts of personality not fully integrated.
Note signs of dissociative disorder Changes in behavior, voice, and dress referring to self by another name or in third person Partial memory or memory gaps, Disorientation to time, place, person, Presence of blackouts
tools used Dissociative Experience Scale (DES), Somatoform Questionnaire (SDQ), & the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS). Tools are an important part of assessment because the psychiatric interview can often miss dissociative symptoms.
Created by: arsho453
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