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Poetry Terms 1

Poetry Terms without scansion

Alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sounds in words such as “rough and ready.”
Ballad A poem in verse that tells a story.
Blank Verse An unrhymed form of poetry that normally consists of ten syllables in which every other syllable, beginning with the second, is stressed. Since blank verse is often used in very long poems, it may depart from the strict pattern from time to time.
Caesura A pause or sudden break in a line of poetry.
Canto A main division of a long poem.
Couplet Two lines of verse the same length that usually rhyme.
End rhyme The rhyming of words that appear at the ends of two or more lines of poetry.
Enjambment The running over of a sentence or thought from one line of poetry to another.
Free Verse Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme.
Haiku A form of Japanese poetry that has three lines; the first line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third has five syllables. The subject of the Haiku has traditionally been nature.
Heroic Couplet Two successive rhyming lines that contain a complete thought.
Internal Rhyme When the rhyming words occur in the same line of poetry.
Lyric A short verse that is intended to express the emotions of the author; quite often these lyrics are set to music.
Meter The pattern of repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry.
Onomatopoeia The use of a word whose sound suggests its meaning.
Refrain The repetition of a line or phrase of a poem at regular intervals, especially at the end of each stanza. may be called the chorus.
Repetition the repeating of a word or phrase within a poem or a prose piece to create a sense of rhythm.
Rhyme The similarity or likeness of end sound existing between two words.
Rhymed Verse Verse with end rhyme that usually has regular meter.
Rhythm The ordered, or free occurrences of sound in poetry.
Sonnet A poem consisting of fourteen lines of iambic pentameter.
Italian (Petrarchan) Sonnet Has two parts; an octave (eight lines) and a sestet (six lines) usually rhyming abbaabba, cdecde. Often a question is raised in the octave that is answered in the sestet.
Shakespearean (English or Elizabethan) Sonnet Consists of three quatrains (four lines) and a final rhyming couplet. The rhyme scheme is abab, cdcd, efef, gg. Usually the question or theme is set forth in the quatrains while the answer or resolution appears in the final couplet.
Stanza A division of poetry named for the number of lines it contains.
Quatrain four line stanza
Personification A literary device in which the author speaks of or describes an animal, object, or idea, as if it were a person.
Simile A comparison of two unlike things in which a word of comparison (like or as) is used.
Metaphor A comparison of two unlike things in which NO word of comparison (like or as) is used.
Antithesis An opposition, or contrast, of ideas.
Hyperbole Gross exaggeration or overstatement.
Imagery The words or phrases a writer selects to create a certain picture in the reader’s mind, usually based on sensory details.
Symbol A person, a place, a thing, or an event used to represent something else.
Created by: AmyMurrell
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