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HSC Unit 4
Question | Answer |
アジア | Asia |
間 | while, during |
あかちゃん | baby |
あき | autumn |
あげる | to give |
あじ | taste, flavour |
あつまる | to come together |
__い上 | more than ___ |
いそぐ | to hurry |
いち場 | marketplace |
いっかい | once, one time |
いっぱい | full |
えいきょう | an influence |
えはがき | picture postcard |
おくる | to send |
おくれる | to be able to send |
おそい | late, slow |
おなか | stomach |
オランダ | Holland |
おわる | to end |
かさをさす | to put up an umbrella |
かぜがふく | the wind blows |
がっき | school term |
かみさま | spirit, god |
かみなり | thunder |
かわ | river |
きっさてん | coffee shop |
きっぷ | ticket(s) |
きゅうに | suddenly |
ぎん行 | a bank (money) |
近所 | neighbourhood |
くに | nation, country |
くらい | dark |
くれる | to give (to me) |
__けい | ___origin, descent |
こたえ | an answer, reply |
ことえる | to answer |
こわい | scary, frightening |
こんなに__ | this (much) ____ |
コンビニ | convenience store |
じつは | actually, in fact |
しつもん | question |
しつもんする | to ask a question |
しょうてんがい | shopping centre, arcade, mall |
しりあい | acquaintance |
しんごう | traffic lights |
じんこう | population |
じんじゃ | Shinto shrine |
しんとう | Shinto |
すずしい | (nice and) cool |
すっかり | completely |
ストリートパーティー | street party |
すばらしい | wonderful |
すると | whereupon |
ソーセージ | sausage(s) |
そら | sky |
それに | as well as that |
_だす | start happening |
だけ・だけじゃなくて | only/not only |
たべもの | food(s) |
だんち | housing estate |
つづく | to continue |
つれていく | to take (a person) |
つれてかえる | to take home (a person) |
つれてくる | to bring (a person) |
てつだう | to help, give a hand |
でんわにでる | to answer the phone |
でる | to participate in |
どうろ | road, street |
とおり | street, road |
とおる | to go through, along |
とくに | especially |
とくべつ(な) | special |
とる | to take, pass |
なかなか | quite |
ながれる | to flow |
なく | to cry |
なつ | summer |
など | etcetera |
なる | to ring/sound |
何でも | everything/anything |
にぎやか(な) | busy/lively |
にく | meat |
にもつ | luggage |
(に)のる | to get on, ride on |
(に)のぼる | to climb, go up |
のんびりする | to relax |
__(の)ばあい | in the case of ___ |
パーティーをする | to hold a party |
バーベキュー | barbecue |
はじまる | to begin |
まじめ | beginning, first |
はじめる | to start, begin |
__はじめる | start doing ___ |
場所 | a place |
パチンコや | Pachinko parlour |
びじゅつかん | art gallery |
ひる | midday, daytime |
ふばん(な) | inconvenient |
ほか | other |
ほしい | to want |
ほとんど.. | mostly... |
ほめる | to praise |
また | again, also |
__まつ | end of___ |
(お)まつり | festival |
めずらしい | unusual, rare |
もうすぐ | very soon |
もうひとつ | one more |
もっていく | to take (a thing) |
もってくる | to bring (a thing) |
やく | to grill, roast, bake |
ゆうべ | last night |
ヨーロッパ | Europe |
料理 | cooking, style of cooking |
料理する | to cook |
わすれる | to forget |
bakery | |
buddhist temple | |
bookshop | |
bridge | |
butcher | |
cake shop | |
church | |
clothing store | |
department store | |
doctor's surgery | |
east | |
electrical store | |
factory | |
factory area | |
family restaurant | |
florist | |
greengrocer | |
hospital | |
Japanese-style fastfood cafe | |
Japanese-style pub | |
north | |
pachinko game parlour | |
park | |
police box | |
population | |
post office | |
postcode | |
pub | |
public bath house | |
real estate agent | |
residential area | |
restaurant | |
road, path | |
school | |
Shinto shrine gateway | |
south | |
station | |
stationery shop | |
subway | |
supermarket | |
west |