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PCOM Medical Term

Ch 18

alveol/o small sac
cac/o bad
chem/o chemical, drug
cauter/o burn, heat
cyst/o sac or fluid
fibr/o fibers
follicul/o small glandular sacs
fungi fungus, mushroom
medull/o soft, inner part
mucos/o mucous membrane
mut/a genetic change
mutagen/o causing genetic change
necr/o death
onc/o tumor
papill/o nipple like
pharmc/o chemical, dry
plas/o formation
ple/o many, more
polyp/o polyp
radi/o rays, x-rays
sarc/o flesh
scirrh/o hard
xer/o dry
-blastoma immature tumor
-genesis formation
-oma mass, tumor
-plasia formation, growth
-plasm formation, growth
-supression to stop
-therapy treatment
ana- backward
apo- off, away
brachy- short (distance)
epi- upon
meta- beyond, change
prot/o first
tele- far
adjuvant therapy assisting primary treatment
anaplasia loss of differentiation of cells;reversion to a more primitive cell type
angiogenesis process of forming new blood vessel
antibiotics chemical substance, produced by bacteria or primitive plants. They inhibit the growth of cell and are used in cancer chemotherapy
apoptosis programmed cell death. normal cell undergo apoptosis when damaged or aging. Some cancer cells have lost the ability to undergo apoptosis and they live foever
benign tumor noncancerous growth
carcinogens agents that cause cancer, chemicals and drugs, radiation and viruses
carcinoma cancerous tumor made up of cells of epithelial origin
viral oncogens pieces of DNA that when broken down or dislocated can cause a normal cell to become malignant
chemotherapy treatment with drugs
dedifferentiation loss of differentiation of cells; reversion to a more primitive, embryonic cell type; anaplaia or undifferentiation.
deoxyribonucleic acid genetic material within the nucleus of a cell; controls cell division and protein synthesis
differentiation specialization of cells; unspecialized cells are modified and altered to form specific and characteristic types and functions
encapsulated surrounded by a capsule; benign tumors are encapsulated
infiltrative extending beyond normal tissue bounderies
invasive having the ability to enter and destroy surrounding tissue
irradiation exposure to any form of radiant energy such as light, heat, or x-rays
malignant tumor tending to become worse and result in death; having the characteristics of invasive, anaplasia, metastasis
metastatsis spread of malignant tumor to a secondary site
mutation change in the genetic material (DNA) of a cell; may be caused by chemicals or viruses or may occur spontaneously
neoplasm new growth benign or malignant tumor
palliative relieving but not curing symptoms
radiation energy carried by a stream of particles
relapse return of symptoms of disease
remission partial or complete disappearance of symptoms of disease
Created by: urbandanzer
Popular Science sets




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