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Term | Definition |
eaquator | |
prime meridian | |
North Africa | |
Sub saharan Africa | |
the Sahel | south of sahara |
The sahara | a trasitinal between the dry sahara desert and the grasslands of the savannas |
Savannas | rolling grassland |
niger river | the prinipal river in western africa |
atlas mountains | this mountain range is north of sarrah desert |
congo river | a flowing river that runs through africa and is the second largest river in africa |
Kalahari Desert | sandy area in southern africa |
nile reiver | the worlds longest river |
Tropical rainforest | the second largest rainforest in central africa |
great rift valley | enormous dip in the earths surface |
lake victoria | the largest lake in africa |
mt.killamanjaro | the tallest mountian in africa |
deforestion | the removal of trees and other vedgatationto make land available for other uses |
desertifacation | the transformal of land once suitable for agriculture into a desert |
enthic group | a group of people who share the same enthnicity |
religous group | a group of people who share the same belief system |