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Lymphoid leukemias

Relative or absolute increase in lymphocytes Lymphocytosis
Increase in the percentage of lymphs. Usually second to Neutropenia. Seen in some viral infections Relative lymphocytosis.
increase > 4.4x10^9/L. Often not accompanied by a leukocytosis except IM, CMV, and infectious lymphocytosis Absolute lymphocytosis
relative or absolute decrease in lymphocytes lymphocytopenia
decrease in the percentage of lymphs. seen in CHF, uremia and malaria relative lymphocytopenia
lymph decrease <1.0x10^9/L. seen in patients with breast/stomach cancers, active tuberculosis, malnutrition, after radiation or chemo and stress absolute lymphocytopenia
lighter, lacier chromatin, too much cytoplasm to be a blast reactive lymph
only lymph that can be reactive B cell
a variant of a reactive lymph whose development in between lymph and plasma cell plasmacytoid lymphocyte
type of leukocytosis in IM and CMV absolute
lymphs in IM 50-90% reactive
serological testing for IM heterophile antibody
VCA-IgM; VCA-IgG; and EBNA antibody titers for IM
increased serum bilirubin, increased AST, decreased alkaline phosphatase are abnormal liver function tests in IM and CMV
unexpected antibody that can cause IM Anti-i
lymphs in CMV 90% reactive
Anti-CMV or culture of CMV from urine or serum serological test
age - 15-25 etiologic agent - EBV lymph morphology - many reactive lymphs symptoms - severe, liver disease, even death Infectious Mono
age - children etiologic agent - coxsackie or adenovirus lymph morphology - small, mature lymphs symptoms - mild, usually only diarrhea Infectious lymphocytosis
viral mumps, measles, rubella, varicella, hepatitis, and flu coccidian toxoplasmosis are causes of relative and reactive lymphocytosis
bacteria, bordetella pertussis, cat scratch disease (bartonella), mycobacteria (AFB), mycoplasma pneumoniae are causes of relative, non-reactive lymphocytosis
a group of malignant leukocytoses resulting from cells rapidly multiplying in the lymphoid tissue and infiltrating the lymph nodes. includes CLL, HCL, MM, and Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia lymphoproliferative disorders
seen in men >40 average survival without treatment - 6 years autoimmune, hemolytic anemia DAT + CLL
mix 5 drops blood with 1 drop 22% BSA to reduce the # of smudge cells
rare, chronic B cell leukemia affecting middle aged men survival time - 17 years caused by HTLV-1 and radiation pancytopenia produces a dry tap Hairy Cell Leukemia
large lymphs with gray cytoplasm that have hair-like or irregular extensions. nucleus is notched, dumbbell or oval hairy cell
stains hairy cells TRAP
a lymphoproliferative condition of plasma cells in the bone marrow seen mostly in middle aged men 50-60 years. xray of bones shows a punched out appearance Multiple myeloma
light chains in urine Bence Jones
protein electrophoresis in MM in IgG area M spike
made up of IgG russell bodies
a malignant proliferation of plasma cells seen in older patients 60-70 years. mean survival time of 4 years. increased ESR, and bleeding time. monoclonal IgM spike, lymphocytoid are predominant cells waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
a disease of the lymph nodes where mature or immature lymphs or reticulum cells infiltrate not only the lymphoid tissue and lymph nodes but other organs as well. malignant lymphoma
location of leukemias bone marrow
bimodal - 15-35 year old and > 50 year olds normo, normo anemia, Reed-Sternberg cells with lymphs, histocytes and eos Hodgkin's lymphoma
very large reticulum cell AKA Owl's Eye 2 nuclei or multi-lobed nucleus Dense nucleolus surrounded by a clear zone diagnostic for Hodgkins Reed-Sternberg
most common neoplasm in 20-40 year olds can be induced by exposure to chemicals, pesticides or organic solvents non-hodgkin's
a rare cutaneous mature T cell lymphoma that spreads to organs occurs in middle aged people mean survival time 2 years Mycodisis fungoides
the leukemic phase of mycoidisis fungoides sezary syndrome
large form with a vacuolated cytoplasm and a convoluted nucleus sezary cell
b-glucocerebrosidase deficiency that results in accumulation of glucocerebrosides in RES and CNS Gaucher's Disorder
large cell with small eccentric nucleus, wrinkled or striated cytoplasm. "chicken scratch/gauges" Gaucher cell
inherited disorder with variable geographic distribution, Ashkenazis Jew, Americans, Nova Scotians. Caused by deficiency of sphingomyelinase so sphingomyelin accumulates in RES tissues and brain. often fatal within 3 years in children Neimann-Pick disorder
large cell, small eccentric nucleus, cytoplasm appears foamy or globular Neimann-Pick cell
benign familial condition with unclear etiology accumulation of cerebrosides and carbohydrates in histiocytes in liver, spleen and bone marrow sea blue histiocyte condition
large cell, eccentric nucleus, abundant cytoplasm filled with blue to blue green granules sea blue histiocyte
most common in children aged 2-10 with peaks in 2-5 year olds and a second in the elderly. ALL
most common ALL immunophenotype in children Precursor B
more common ALL immunophenotype in adults T Cell
more common ALL immunophenotype occurs in teenage males with mediastinal mass immature T
rarest form of ALL immunophenotype occurs in children and adults mature B
chromosomal abnormalities with poor prognosis t(1;19), t(8;14), t(9;22)
chromosomal abnormalities with excellent prognosis t(12;21)
best prognosis occurs in pre b with CALLa
CALLa CD marker CD10
more common in children; best prognosis, may be any B or T subgroup L1 lymphoblast
more common in adults; intermediate to poor prognosis; may be any B or T subgroup L2 lymphoblast
mature B cells; rare occurrence; occurs in both children and adults; poor prognosis L3 lymphoblast
cells typically small, homogeneous and rare indistinct nucleoli. Scant cytoplasm and occasional nuclear clefting present L1
morphologic variation common in both nuclear chromatin and amount of cytoplasm. moderate to abundant dark blue cytoplasm and nucleus with prominent nucleoli L2
cytoplasm dark blue and highly vacuolated L3
immature T and B cells stain positively with TdT
another name for mature B or L3 Burkitts
CSF involvement is more common in patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia
ALL L3 lymphoblasts stain with what cytochemical stain Oil Red O
increased plasmacytoid lymphs in the bone marrow is a characteristic of waldenstroms
Mott cells and flame cells are characteristic of patients with multiple myeloma
increased IgM and increased serum viscosity is present in patients with waldenstroms
the type of anemia associated with CLL hemolytic, autoimmune
lymphs with highly folded, dark, clumped nuclei are seen in patients with Sezary syndrome
smudge cells and small lymphs are characteristic of patients with CLL
A condition that involves T cell proliferation Sezary
what is happening during the lymphocytoid phase of CLL transformation from B cell to plasma cell
why is the ESR increased in MM patients rouleaux
what 4 CD markers are common to the precursor T and mature T cells CD2, CD3, CD5, CD7
which T cell group is positive for either CD 4 or CD 8 mature
what marker is specific for mature B cell ALL sIg
what cytoplasmic marker is specific for immature B cell ALL TdT
What is the PAN marker for the B cell lineage CD19
which FAB class is TdT negative L3
which immunologic classification of ALL has a positive sheep erythrocyte antigen ALL T cell
what is the sheep erythrocyte antigen CD marker CD2
ALL is PAS block positive
Created by: MamaDaBess
Popular Science sets




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