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Life Science Review


cell smallest unit of life
eukaryotic cell contains organelles and membrane-bound nucleus
prokaryotic cell singled-celled organisms with no nucleus
microscopic describes organisms that can only been seen through a microscope
unicellular single-celled (bacteria, amoeba)
multicellular many cells (plants, animals)
cell membrane allows some substances in while keeping other out of the cell
cell wall rigid outer covering that provides protection and stability
chloroplast contains chlorophyll, site of photosynthesis
cytoplasm gel-like substance that fills the space of the cell
endoplasmic reticulum transports proteins
golgi apparatus stores proteins
mitochondria power house of the cell
nucleus brain of the cell
vacuole stores water, food and waste
diffusion movement of particles from area of high concentration to area of low concentration
osmosis movement of water from area of high water concentration to area of low water concentration
mitosis cell division that ends with 2 identical cells
meiosis cell division that ends with 4 genetically different cells
gamete sex cell
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
chromosomes coiled up strands of DNA
photosynthesis process where plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to create glucose and oxygen
herbivore animal that eats only plants
carnivore animal that eats only other animals
omnivore animal that eats both plants and animals
vertebrate animals with a backbone
invertebrate animals without a backbone
bilateral symmetry where an imaginary line divides animals into equal halves
radial symmetry where animals are equally originating from a central point
annelid organism with a segmented, elongated body
arthropods organisms with segmented body and hard outer covering
echinoderms organisms with star-shaped bodies and live in water
mollusks organisms with soft, muscular bodies and have a shell
amphibians can live in water or on land; lay eggs in water; cold-blooded
fish live in water and breathe through gills
reptile have bodies covered with scales
birds have beaks, wings with feathers and lay eggs with hard shells
mammal have body covered with hair or fur and give birth to fully-developed young
bacteria single-celled organisms with no nucleus
archea single-celled organism that can survive in harsh environments
autotroph organism that makes its own food
heterotroph organism that needs feeds on other organisms for food
fungi decomposers
ecology the study of living things in their environment and how the affect each other
genetics the study of genes and heredity
individual single organism
population a group of the same species living in the same area at the same time
community populations of different species that live together in the same area
ecosystem includes the community and the abiotic factors (temperature, rainfall, dirt, etc.)
biome large region with a distinct climate
biosphere all of Earth's biomes
mutualism symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit
parasitism symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed
commensalism symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit
producer make their own food
consumer eat other organisms for food
food chain shows the flow of energy from one organism to the another in an ecosystem
food web a series of connected food chains
Created by: mrsjowens
Popular Science sets




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