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The biotic and abiotic parts of the environment make up a(n) ________________. Ecosystem
A(n) _____________ is a geographic area on earth that contains ecosystems with similar biotic and abiotic features. Biome
Area classified as the same biome have similar _____________ and ________________. Climates, Organisms
______________ are biomes that receive very little rain. Deserts
Deserts have large patches of ______________ that are bare. Ground
Most animals avoid ____________ during the hottest parts of the day. Activity
Plants have ____________ roots to absorb water quickly. Shallow
______________ biomes are areas where grasses are the dominant plant. Grassland
_____________, fertile soils support plant growth in grasslands. Deep
Trees grow along ______________ banks of streams and rivers Moist
__________________ bloom during the wet seasons. Wild flowers
Tropical rain forests receive ______________ amounts of of rain and have dense growths of tall, leafy trees. Large
____________ of earth's species live in tropical rain forests. Most live in the __________________, which is the uppermost part of the forest. Half,Canopy
For lumber, farms, and ranches, people have ___________ more than half of earth's tropical rain forests. cleared
Regions of earth between the tropics and the polar circles are _________________ regions. Temperate
Temperate rain forests are moist ecosystems located mostly in _____________ areas. Costal
Winters are mild and rainy, and summers are _____________________. Cool and Fogy
Forests are dominated by spruce, hemlock, cedar, fir, and ________________ trees, which can grow very large and tall. Red wood
Winter temperatures are often _______________, and summers are hot and humid. Below freezing
In _________ forests, most plants stop growing during the winter and begin growing again in the spring. temperate deciduous
Some animals in temperate deciduous forests seen the winter in _____________. hibernation
The taiga biome exists only in the _______________ hemisphere. northern
The taiga biome occupies more__________ than any other land biome on Earth. space
Winters in the taiga are long, cold, and _________. Summers are short, warm, and _______. snowy, moist
The taiga soil is thin and ________. acidic
The tundra is cold, dry and treeless. Most tundra is south of the _________ Pole, but it also exists in mountainous areas at ________ altitudes. north, high
Because of the cold climate, the growing season is only 50 to __ days. 60
A layer of permanently frozen soil called ________ prevents deep growth of plant roots. permafrost
There are four types of _____, or aquatic, ecosystems: fresh water, wetland, estuary, and oceans Water
Important ____ factors in aquatic ecosystems include temperature, sunlight, and dissolved oxygen gas. Abiotic
________ is the amount of salt dissolved in water. Salinity
Water in saltwater ecosystems has high _________ compared to water in freshwater ecosystems. Salinities
Rivers are __________, deeper and flow more slowly than streams Larger
Streams usually have high _________ levels because air mixes into the water as it splashes over rocks Oxygen
Soil that washes into a river from streams or nearby land can add _________ to the water. Nutrients
____________ plants at dams on rivers use the energy in flowing water to generate electricity Hydroelectric
Ponds and lakes contain freshwater that is not ________________________ are larger and deeper then ______________. Flowing downhill, Ponds
Surface water in ponds & lakes contains plants, algae, & microscopic organisms that use sunlights for ________________. Fewer organisms live in the deeper, colder water of lakes where there is little _________________. Photosynthesis, Sunlight
Runoff from farms, gardens, & roads washes _____ into ponds and lakes, disrupting food ____________. webs
_____________ are aquatic ecosystems that have a thin layer of water covering soil that is wet most of the time. wetlands
Wetlands are among Earth's most ___________ ecosystem. fertile
________ wetlands form at edges of lakes & ponds and in low areas on land. __________ wetlands for along ocean coasts Freshwater, Saltwater
More then _____ of American bird species use wetlands for nesting and feeding 1/3
People have ____________ wetlands to build homes and roads and to raise crops. drained
______ are regions along coastlines where streams rivers flow into a body of salt water estuaries
______ of estuaries varies, depending on rainfall, the amount of freshwater flowing from land, and the amount of salt water pushed in by______. salinity, tides
Destruction of estuaries reduce habitat for estuary species and exposes the coastline to ______ & storm damage floods
Many species of birds depend on estuaries for ______, nesting & feeding breeding
The ______ starts several kilometers from the coast. open-ocean
The open ocean extends from the steep edges _____ to the deepest parts of the ocean continental shelves
Microscopic algae & other producers in the sunlit zone form the base of most ocean ________ food chains
_______ oceans include several types of ecosystems, including continental shelves and intertidal zones. coastal
The _______ is the ocean shore between the lowest low tide & the highest high tide. intertidal zone
Intertidal species have _______ for surviving exposure to air & to heavy waves. adaptions
A _______ is a underwater structure made from outside skeletons of tiny, soft-bodied animals. coral reef
Most coral reefs form in shallow ______ oceans. tropical
what ecosystem would not be classified as a freshwater ecosystem? open ocean
What distinguishes a pond from a lake? Lakes are deeper and larger.
which ecosystem would an organism that is adapted to daily changes in salinity most likely be found? estuary
What is one characteristic of the coastal ocean biome? The coastal biome supports life that inhabits more shallow waters.
How far away can a wolf be before it can pick up the scent of it's prey? 10 miles away
What is a predator? A predator is an animal that eats other animals
What is a prey? an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
For a(n) __________ to be healthy, it has to have lots of different kinds of plants and animals. Ecosystem
_______% of the world is covered by water. 71
_______ of all the species in the world live in the ocean. 2/3
Created by: Tjacks
Popular Science sets




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