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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - For Test 3

The volcano known as Mt. St. Helens is in _____. A. southwest Washington, B. southwest Italy, C. northwest Washington, D. northeast Japan A. southwest Washington
Another term for a composite volcano, such as Mt. St. Helens or Mt. Kilimanjaro, is a _____. A. shield, B. stratovolcano, C. cinder cone, D. flood basalt plateau B. stratovolcano
Which of the following types of volcanoes are the largest type of volcano? A. stratovolcano, B. composite, C. cinder cone, D. shield D. shield
Hot molten lava will flow _____ if it has a lower silica content. A. slower, B. faster, C. neither A or B - Silica content does not affect rate of lava movement B. faster
The volcanic rock andesite and the plutonic rock diorite have similar _____. A. textures, B. chemical composition, C. both A and B are correct, D. neither A or B are correct B. chemical composition
The plutonic igneous rock known as _____ is the extrusive igneous equivalent of rhyolite. A. rhyolite, B. andesite, C. basalt, D. diorite, E. gabbro, F. granite F. granite
The volcano known as Mt. Fujiyama is in _____. A. southwest Washington, B. southwest Italy, C. northwest Washington, D. central Japan D. central Japan
Which of the following types of volcanoes are the smallest type of volcano? A. stratovolcano, B. composite, C. cinder cone, D. shield C. cinder cone
The National Park in northwestern Wyoming, known as _____, provides an excellent example of pyroclastic flows. It is dominated by layers upon layers of rhyolite and other volcanic deposits. A. Yosemite National Park, B. Grand Tetons National Park, C. Yellowstone National Park C. Yellowstone National Park
_____ are defined as glowing avalanches of volcanic ash and gases. A. Lahars, B. Volcanic mudflows, C. Nuee ardentes, D. Anticlines, E. Tsunamis C. Nuee ardentes
_____ are large mudflows caused by the process of certain types of volcanic mountains. A. Lahars, B. Tsunamis, C. Anticlines, D. Nuee ardentes, E. Pyroclastic eruptions A. Lahars
True or False: Massive volcanic eruptions, of which modern humans have rarely witnessed, can cause global cooling as volcanic ash released to the atmosphere reflects solar radiation back to outer space. True
An intrusion that intrudes roughly perpendicular to layering of the surrounding country rock is a _____. A. batholith, B. sill, C. dike, D. volcanic cone, E. laccolith C. dike
Which of the following types of igneous intrusions is the largest? A. dike, B. laccolith, C. sill, D. batholith, E. stock D. batholith
True or False: Large-scale igneous intrusions cause nearby rock to become contact metamorphosed, and in the process, form valuable metal deposits for man to use. True
Where is Mt. St. Helens located? southwest Washington state
What kind of volcano is Mt. St. Helens? composite
What is defined as resistance to flow? viscosity
Dissolved gases in the magma provide the force that extrudes molten rock from the vent of a volcano, these gases are mostly what? water and carbon dioxide
Highly explosive eruptions called _____ _____, can result with granitic magmas. eruption columns
What are two types of basaltic lava flows? aa and pahoehoe
_____ _____ are a special type of volcanic landform. lava tubes
What are the holes in the ground called where you can see a flowing river of lava under the surface of cooled lava flows. skylights
What is the most abundant volcanic volatile? water
Pyroclastic (fire particle) material consists of _____ and _____ fragments violently ejected from volcanoes. lava…rock
Pyroclastic particles are referred to as bombs when they are ejected as _____ lava, and are referred to as blocks when they are ejected as _____ rock. incandescent…hardened
What are two common types of pyroclastic rocks? pumice and scoria
Many volcanoes have central steep-walled depressions called a _____, which is connected to a magma chamber located at depth by a pipe-like _____. crater…conduit
If a summit depression exceeds 1km in diameter it is called a _____. caldera
Lava flows do not always exit a volcano through a central vent or crater, they can also exit the volcano through long sets of _____, pre-existing fault zones, and this is referred to as _____ _____. fissures…flank eruptions
The island of Hawaii is composed of 5 shield volcanoes, what are they? Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Kilauea, Hualalai, and Kohala
What is the largest shield volcano on Earth? Mauna Loa
What is the most active volcano on Hawaii? Kilauea
_____ cones are often found as _____ cones that have grown on the slopes of larger volcanoes. cinder…parasitic
Composite cone volcanoes, also known as _____, consist mostly of flows of viscous andesitic lavas, with lesser amounts of rhyolite and basalt lava flows. stratovolcanoes
_____ _____ volcanoes are the man-killers. composite cone
Nuee ardents move at speeds exceeding _____ km/hr (approx.. 80 mph). 150
In 1902, Mount Pelee on the Caribbean island of Martinique erupted, and only one person survived; what was he? a prisoner
A volcanic eruption can produce enormous quantities of ash and gases, injecting them into the upper atmosphere. The average global temperature will _____ because the particulate materials effectively filter out solar radiation. drop
The spring & summer of 1816 is known as the what, die to the Indonesian volcano Mount Tambora erupting? year without a summer
Where is crater lake located? southern Oregon
What is the deepest lake in America? Crater Lake
_____ _____ eruptions produce the largest amounts of mafic lava that cover wide areas.Some fissure eruptions have been documented to flow 70-80 miles from the fissure. flood basalts
Flood basalts can produce basalt _____ which can occur on the ocean floor. plateaus
Where do the largest basalt plateaus occur? ocean floor
A _____ _____ represents the core of an extinct volcano that stands above the surrounding eroding rocks. volcanic neck
What are 6 types of igneous intrusive activity, magmatic activity that never reaches the surface? discordant, concordant, country rock, dikes, sills/laccoliths, and batholiths
_____ igneous bodies cut across layering. discordant
_____ igneous bodies form parallel to the existing layering. concordant
_____ ______ - any rock present prior to the intrusion/extrusion of igneous rocks. country rock
_____ are discordant igneous rocks that cooled from magma forcibly moved into fractures that cut across layering. dikes
_____ / _____ are tabular bodies that cooled from a magma injected along sedimentary layers. sills/laccoliths
_____ are massive discordant volumes of igneous rocks that tend to be felsic in composition. batholiths
Batholiths tend to form the core of mountain chains, and are formed by the intersection of many individual magma chambers, which when they cool are called what? plutons
_____ volcanoes are formed by a mantle plume in the upper mantle adding magma to the lower crest. intraplate
Created by: TManning81
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