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Rob’s set medicati

Absorption The taking up of substances into blood and tissues
Acid Sour; having properties opposite of alkaline. Unites with bases to form a salt.
A.C. Latin abbreviation meaning before meals
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone produced by pituitary that stimulates adrenal gland
Action Any function or result
Acute Disease having a short it severe cause
ad lib An abbreviation for whenever desired
Addiction A state of Repeated use of a jdrug with an overwhelming need (physical and emotional) for the substance
Adrenal Glands located over the kidney. They secrete several hormones such as adrenaline, Cortizone
Adrenalin Hormone secreted by adrenal gland. It Is secreted in stress situations, increases heart rate, raises blood pressure, dilates pupils, relaxes bronchioles
Aerosol A drug preparation which can be atomized into a fine mist
Alcohol A transparent, colorless, liquid which can be used to mix medications/oral or topical
Aldosterone A hormone secreted by the adrenal gland that helps an electrolyte regulations
Alkaline Base substance, opposite of acid
Allergy A hypersensitive reaction acquired through exposure to a foreign body such as drugs
Analgesic A substance that relieves pain without causing unconsciousness
Anaphylaxis An extreme allergic reaction where respirations are restricted. Unless treated, it can lead to death
Anemia A condition with a reduction in oxygen-carrying ability of the blood
Anesthesia Lots of pain sensation: 1) general-loss of consciousness to provide loss of pain, 2) local-causes loss of pain to one part of the body
Angina Spasmodic pain if the chest caused by decreased circulation of coronary (heart) vessels
Anorexia Lack or loss of appetite
Antacid A drug substance that counteracts acidity; neutralizing acids of stomach
Antagonist A substance that tends to nullify another or works in opposition
Antiarrhythmic A drug family that treat and prevents irregular heartbeats
Antibiotic A drug family where the drug inhibits the growth or kills bacteria
Anticholinergic Drug families that block neuroimpulses. Used in treatment of GL disorders because they slow peristalsis. secretion of acid
Anticoagulants Drug family that prevents the clotting of blood
Anticonvulsant Drug family that decreases convulsons or seizures
Antidepressant Drug family that prevents or treats depression
Anti-diarrheal Drug family that treats diarrhea or loose stools
Anti-emetic Drug family that treats nausea and prevents vomiting
Antiistamine Drug family that treats effects of histamine, which is believed to cause allergies, some treat nausea, as well as cause relaxation
Anti-inflammatory Drug family that treats swelling of tissue
Antipyretic Drug family that is effective in treating fevers
Antiseptic A drug family that inhibits growth of bacteria. There are two groups, physical such as heat and chemical. They are used in treating contaminated items
Anti-spasmodic A substance that relieves or prevents spasms
Antitussive A substance that decreases cough
Anxiety A feeling of uneasiness, fear, or apprehension
Apothecary weights and measures An old system of measuring drugs and solutions
Appendicitis Infection/inflammation of the appendix, an outoutgrowth of large intestine
Artery Vessel that carries blood. Leads away from the heart
ASA Abbreviation for acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
Ascites Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
Asthma Disease marked by recurrient attacks, difficulty breathing, wheezing, due to spasms of the bronchi
Astringent Drug family that shrinks tissues-reduces oiliness
Ataxia Condition where muscles are not coordinated. May be a reaction to some drugs
Athletes foot Fungus infection of the feet
Automatic stop order A policy whereby a resident’s medication is automatically discontinued if not re-ordered by the physician
Autonomic Branch of nervous system that works without conscious control
Bacteria Forms of plant life found nearly everywhere. Some bacteria cause disease
Barbiturate A group of drugs that relax or induce sleep. In various degrees, they depress the central nervous system. Most are controlled substances
bid Abbreviation for twice a day
Bile Clear yellow fluid produced by the liver, stored in gallbladder which helps in digestion of fat
Bladder Sac that stores materials. Urinary bladder stores urine
Blood Fluid that circulates through the body. It is the main means of transport in the body
Blood pressure The pressure of the blood against the blood vessel walls
Bowel Intestines
Brain The part of the nervous system contained within head. It is a mass of spongy gray nerve tissues. The brain contains centers that regulate body processes.
Bronchus Any of large passages through which air passes to the lung
Ca Symbol for calcium, a mineral
Capsule A dissolvable container holding a dosage of a drug
Caps Capsule
Cardiac The heart
Cardiovascular system Refers to the heart and blood vessels
Cataract Disease when the lens of the eye becomes opaque. The clouding of the lens may be caused by injuries or inherited factors. Surgical removal is the most effective treatment
Cathartic A drug that causes bowel evacuation
Caustic Drug family that destroys tissues by burning
c.c. Abbreviation for cubic centimeter. It may be used interchangeably with milliliter
Chemotherapy Treatment of illness by chemical means. Some drugs are chemotherapeutics
Chronic Condition that lasts a long time
Circulation Movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels
Clotting Formation of substance within wall of blood vessel stopping blood flow
CNS-Central nervous system Consisting of brain and spinal column
Coagulant Drug family that promotes formation of a clot
Colon Part of the large intestine
Comatose A state of unconsciousness from which one cannot be awakened
Congenital Present at birth
Constipation A condition in which waste matter in the bowel is hard to pass
Constriction Narrowing of a part
Contraindication Any condition that makes the giving of a drug dangerous or undesirable
Controlled substances act Federal legislation that regulates manufacture, sale, and use of abused drugs
Convulsion Involuntary contractions of muscles-usually company by loss of consciousness
Corticosteroid Any of the hormones produced by adrenal cortex
Cubic centimeter Liquid measure equal to a milliliter
Cushing’s Syndrome A group of symptoms caused by too much secretion of adrenal glands. These include painful, fatty swellings of the body, moonlike facial features, abdominal distention, high blood pressure, general weakness, abnormal body hair growth
Cystitis Inflammation and infection of urinary bladder
D.C. Abbreviation for discontinue
DEA Abbreviation for drug enforcement administration
Gm, G abbreviation for gram
gtt. Abbreviation for drop
Habituation A condition caused by repeated use of a drug with strong desire to continue the use.
harrison Narcotic Act Federal Law first enacted in 1915 regulating possession, sale, and purchase of opium derivatives. It was replaced by Controlled Substance Act.
Hemoglobin The oxygen-carrying part of blood. Persons with low hemoglobin are said to be anemic.
hemorrhage The escape of blood from broken vessel
heparin An anticoagulant found in body that slows blood clotting. Heparin is also prepared as a drug to treat diseases characterized by clots.
Hgb Symbol for hemoglobin
histamine normal body substance. An excess seems to be released when body comes in contact with substance to which it is sensitive. The excess causes sneezing, rash, hives, and other allergies.
hives red swelling of the skin that itch and burn (urticaria)
hormone A substance produced mainly by the glands, transported by bloodstream, to regulate body processes.
H.S. Abbreviation for hour of sleep
hydrochloric acid a normal part of gastric juices. It assists in food digestion. An excess is referred to as hyperacidity.
hyperactivity Abnormally increased activity or excessive secretion.
hyperglycemia An abnormal amount of glucose in blood
hypertension high pressure of blood exerted against vessel wall. Vessels are constricted.
hypnotic Agents that produce sleep
hypodermic medication given beneath the skin
hypoglycemia An abnormally low blood sugar
hypotension low pressure exerted by blood against blood vessel. Vessels are dilated (large).
idiosyncrasy An abnormal reaction to a drug, e.g., usually calms may cause excitement
IM intramuscular
immunization The process of making a person resistant to a disease
incoordination Lack of normal muscle activity
infection A disease process caused by microorganisms. Inflammation occurs as a result.
inflammation Local response to invasion of microorganisms. There is fluid accumulation, redness, swelling, and the area is warm to the touch.
inhalation Method of giving a drug (vapor) by breathing in.
injection The forcing of a liquid substance into a part. A needle and syringe are used. Types of injections are intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous.
insomnia being unable to sleep
instillation administering of a liquid by drop. usually in eye or ear
insulin A hormone produced by the pancreas, secreted into blood stream to metabolize glucose. In diabetes mellitus, insufficient amonts are secreated, and insulin must be given
intestine part of digestive system from opening of stomach to anus
intravenous administration of fluid and drug into a vein. The action is very rapid.
irritant a substance that stimulates or excites.
IV intravenous
jelly a soft spreadable substance
kidney one of the two bean-shaped organs which form urine and separate out waste/water products
lanolin wool fat or wool grease that is used in some drug products
laxative An agent that assists in passage of fecal material from the bowel.
lethal dose The amount of a drug that will cause death
liniment a drug preparation in an oily, soapy, or alcoholic preparation to be rubbed on the skin
liquid A preparation that flows freely
liter unit of liquid measure in metric system approximately equal to a quart
louse name of parasitic insect. Lice live on hosts blood and tend to attach self to hair
lozenge A medicated tablet that is dissolved in the mouth
M abbreviation for minimum
medicine A substance used for diagnosis, treatment, relief of symptoms of diseases.
Menieres Disease A disorder of the inner ear causing ringing, headache, dizziness.
mEq milliequivalent- a liquid measure in metric system
metabolism The intake of food, its change to useable form, and its use by body cells to maintain life.
Mg abbreviation of milligram
microorganism An organism that can be seen under a microscope: bacteria, rickettsiae, verus, fungs, and protozoa.
milk a liquid combined with a drug (emulsion or suspension) which is white in appearance
milligram (mg) A unit of weight measure in metric system 1000 mg = 1 gram
milliliter (mL) A unit of liquid measure in metric system. same as c.c.
mineral substance naturally occurring in nature. Minerals are also electrolytes
minim smallest unit of liquid measure in apothecary system (similar to drop)
mixture a combination of different drugs
mucous fluid-like secretion of mucous membrane
myocardial muscle of the heart
Na symbol for salt
narcotic drugs that are opium-like derivatives. they depress CNS and are addictive. Most are used as analgesics and since they are prone to abuse, they are a controlled substance
National Formulary A book of standards for pharmaceutical preparations not included in the US Phannacopeia. Revised every five years. recognized as book of official standards by Pure Food and Drug Act.
Nausea An uncomfortable sensation of GI tract with a tendency to vomit
nebulizer a device for applying a spray
NPO abbreviation for nothing by mouth
OD abbreviation for right eye
ointment semisolid preparation for external application to the body, such as vaseline.
opaque Light rays will not pass through or penetrate. cannot see through
oral giving a medication by mouth
organ cells and tissues formed to a body part that performs a special function
os abbreviation for mouth
OS abbreviation for left eye
OTC over the counter
OU both eyes
oz. ounce
pain a feeling of agony or distress caused by stimulation of special nerve endings. Purpose is for protection. warning that body is being damaged
pallor paleness of skin
palpitation rapid heart beat
parasite plant or animal that lives on another
parenteral given by injection
parkinsonism a disorder with parkinson symptoms-masklike face, fine tremor of extremities, sliding gait.
p.c. abbreviation for after meals
pediculicide an agent that destroys lice
peripheral in the nervous system, nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.
peristalsis the involuntary wavelike contractions of the GI tract and other hollow structures to move contents.
Per os by mouth
pH symbol describing the acid/base of a substance
pharmaceutical a drug preparation
physician the licensed health professional responsible for diagnosing and treating patients
pharmacist the licensed health professional who prepares, sells, or dispenses drugs
pituitary the master gland located in the head. it is called master because it regulates other glands
PM abbreviation for afternoon
PO abbreviation for per os or by mouth
poison a substance when absorbed that causes damage to the body
potentiation when two or more drugs are combined and together their effect is greater than if used alone. smaller doses are needed to get same effect
prescription a doctor's written order for a drug. Must contain patient's name, drug name, dosage, times to be taken, and number of doses
PRN when needed
pulmonary refers to the lungs
pupil the opening in the center of the iris (eye)
purgative an agent that causes evacuation of the bowel
QD every day
QH every hour
Q2H every two hours
QID four times a day
rash skin eruption, usually temporary. May be an allergic reaction to a drug
RBC red blood cell
rectum the end of the large intestine
relaxant agent that causes relaxation
respiration the exhange of O2 and CO2 in the lungs
saline salt solution. Normal body fluid is 0.9% of sodium chloride
secretion the process by which cells give off a product
sedative a drug that calms, relives anxiety, nervousness. These generally depress the CNS
solid drug form that maintains shape
solution a liquid preparation of one or more dissolved substances
spansule solid drug preparation made so parts dissolve at various times.
spray a stream of air and liquid medication given by an atomizer
sputum mucous secretions in the respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi
ss abbreviation for one half
stat at once
sterile free from living microorganisms
stimulant an agent that increases the activity, excites. some stimulate CNS
Sub q subcutaneous injection
sublingual dissolve under the tongue
suspension a drug preparation of undissolved substances throughout a liquid. Shake before pouring.
symptom a sign or indication of a disease
syndrome a combination of symptoms coming from a single cause
synergist a drug that with another enhances the effect
syrup a concentrated solution of sugar combined with drugs to make it taste good
tab tablet
tablet a solid form of a drug preparation
testosterone one of the male sex hormones
therapy the method used to treat a disorder or disease
tid three times a day
tincture an alcoholic solution mixed with a drug
tolerance more and more drug needed to get same effect
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
tr tincture
tranqualizer a group of drugs that calm a person who is anxious
tremor an involuntary trembling of hands, arms, and legs
unconsciousness lack of response to stimuli
urine fluid containing waste and water secreted by kidneys
US Phannacopoeia (USP) a legally recognized list of standard drugs
urticaria hives. red eruptions on the skin
vaccine a drug administered to prevent a disease, such as measles
vasoconstrictor a drug that causes narrowing of blood vessels. raises blood pressure
vasodilator a drug that enlarges the blood vessels. Lowers blood pressure.
vertigo a feeling of movement of self or surroundings, dizziness
vial a small glass container
virus a minute agent that causes diseases
vitamin a substance found in food products that aids in growth and health
vol abbreviation for volume
vomiting forced ejection of the stomach contents
WBC white blood cells
Decongestant Family of drugs that reduce the swelling and congestion usual of nasal membranes. These drugs can be inhaled given as a spray, or some work systemically and are given by oral administration
Deficiency A condition in which there is a lack or shortage of a substance generally well supplied such as a vitamin deficiency or hormone deficiency
Dependency The psychological need for a drug in which drug is needed to prevent withdrawal.
Depressant A drug that slows down the normal functioning or activity of entire body or specific functions
Dermis The skin
Detergent A drug that purifies or cleanses
Diabetes Mellitus A disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to use the carbohydrate. high blood sugar and sugar in the urine are symptoms of this hyperglycemia
Diagnose The process of determining or identifying disease. The physician is the health professional qualified to do this
Diarrhea The rapid movement of waste material through intestine. Generally the material is semi liquid or liquid.
Digestion The process of converting food into its various parts that can be absorbed into blood, carried to the body cells, and used to maintain life
Dilation The condition in which an opening ( eye pupil, blood vessel) is opened or enlarged
Disease A morbid condition existing that is not normal with an accompanying set of symptoms
Disinfectant A family of drugs that destroy infection-producing organisms
Dissolve The process in which a solid substance is passed into a solution
Diuretic A family of drugs that increases urine output, thus relieving tissue swelling (edema)
Dizziness A feeling of unsteadiness, sensation of movement within the head.
Dosage The size, frequency, and amount of the medication to be given
Dram Fluid dram a unit of measure in the apothecary system. Is approximately equal to a teaspoon
Drop A small circle of liquid as it hangs or falls.
Drug Any substance that is given as an aid to diagnosis, prevention, treatment, replacement, alleviation of symptoms in disease conditions.
Dyscrasia An unhealthy condition usually referring to some type of imbalance
Eczema A condition in which there is inflammation of skin. The skin is red, itches, has oozing and crusting.
Edema An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissue
Electrolyte substances that play an important role in cell function and in maintaining acid – base balance. The main electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium
Elixir A clear sweet alcohol preparation containing a drug
Emollient A substance that soothes and softens.
Enteric-coated A special coating put on tablets which prevents release and absorption until the drug reaches intestine.
Epilepsy A disease of nervous system characterized by convulsive seizures
Epinephrine A hormone produced by adrenal gland (adrenaline).
Equivalent Of the same amount or value
Estrogen The female sex hormone produced by ovaries
Euphoria A feeling of well being. Absence of stress
Excrete To separate and eliminate or discharge from blood or tissues.
Expectorant A substance that promotes the ability to cough secretions up and out of respiratory tract.
External Situated or occurring on the outside.
Extract A concentrated preparation of a drug.
Feces Waste discharged from intestines
Ferrous Substance containing iron
Fever Abnormally high body temperatures.
Fluid balance A state when amount of body water and elements (electrolytes, etc) are within normal.
Flushed Redness of the face and neck.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) An agency of HEW whose principle purpose is to enforce the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Fungicide An agent that kills fungus
Fungus A name given group of yeast, mold like plants found in soil,air, water. A few cause diseases such as ringworm, athletes foot, histoplasmosis, and thrush.
Gallbladder Organ located below liver that stores bile.
Gargle A solution for rinsing mouth and throat.
Gastric Pertaining to stomach
Gland A cellular structure specialized to secrete substances (hormone) necessary for body functioning.
Glaucoma A group of eye diseases where there is increased pressure which changes the ability to see and if not treated leads to blindness (miotics are drugs of choice).
Glucose Simple sugar found in bloodstream
Goiter Enlargement of thyroid gland usually caused by lack of iodine
Grain The smallest measure of weight in the apothecary system. Abbreviation gr.
Created by: tbstahr
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