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Chapter 36

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders

What is it called when the resting blood pressure is too high? Hypertension
With hypertension the systolic pressure is __________mm Hg or higher. 140
With hypertension the diastolic pressure is ________ mm Hg or higher. 90
When the person has a systolic pressure between 120-139 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure between 80-89 mm Hg the person is diagnosed with ______-_______________. Pre-hypertension
Hypertension can be caused by ______________ disorders, head injuries, some pregnancy problems, and adrenal gland tumors. Kidney
Hypertension can lead to stroke, hardening of the ______________, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, and blindness. Arteries
Risk factors for hypertension that you cannot change include age: ________ years or older for men and 55 years or older for women. 45
Younger women are at a _____________ risk than younger men for developing hypertension. Lower
The risk of hypertension __________ for women after menopause. Increases
African-Americans are at a ________________ risk for hypertension than whites. Greater
Risk factors for hypertension that you cannot change include a ___________ history of hypertension. Family
Risk factors for hypertension that you _____________ change include being over-weight, stress, tobacco use, high-salt diet, excessive alcohol use, atherosclerosis, and pre-hypertension. Can
Lack of _____________ is a risk factor for hypertension that you can change. Exercise
Men are at a ____________ risk than women of developing coronary artery disease. Greater
Risk of coronary artery disease increases in men after age _______. 45
Risk of coronary artery disease increase in women after age _________. 55
African-Americans are at a ____________ risk than other groups of developing cardiovascular disease. Greater
Being __________-___________ and lack of exercise are factors you can change to decrease your risk of coronary artery disease. Over-weight
Having high blood _______________ and hypertension increases the risk of coronary artery disease. Cholesterol
Smoking and diabetes are things that you can _____________ to reduce your risk of coronary artery disease. Control
With coronary artery disease (CAD), the coronary arteries become __________ and narrow. Hardened
Major complications of CAD are angina, heart attack, irregular heartbeats, and sudden _____________. Death
Another term for myocardial infarction is __________ _____________. Heart attack
What word mean chest pain? Angina
Angina is chest pain from reduced __________ ___________ to a part of the heart muscle. Blood flow
Angina occurs when the heart needs more ___________. Oxygen
The _____________ associated with angina can occur in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back. Pain
When a person is having angina, ______________ for 3 to 15 minutes often relieves the symptoms. Resting
Along with rest, the person may take a ________________ called nitroglycerin to help relieve angina. Medication
Nitroglycerin is kept within the person's ____________ at all times. Reach
chest pain lasting longer than a few minutes and not relieved by rest and nitroglycerin may signal a ___________ _____________. Heart attack
With myocardial infarction (MI) part of the heart muscle ____________. Dies
In an MI, blood flow to the heart muscle is suddenly _______________. Blocked
In an MI, the ______________ area may be small or large. Damaged
Signs and symptoms of a MI include sudden, severe chest pain usually on the _____________ side. Left
Signs and symptoms of a MI include chest pain that can be described as crushing, stabbing, or _______________. Squeezing
Signs and symptoms of a MI include chest pain that may feel like someone is _______________ on the chest. Sitting
Signs and symptoms of a MI include _________ ___________ that is not relieved by rest and nitroglycerin. Chest pain
Signs and symptoms of a MI include pain or numbness in one or both arms, the back, neck _____________, or stomach Jaw
Signs and symptoms of a MI include perspiration and ____________, clammy skin. Cold
Signs and symptoms of a MI include pallor (pale skin) and _____________. Cyanosis
Signs and symptoms of a MI include ____________ blood pressure. Low
Signs and symptoms of a MI include weak and irregular ____________. Pulse
Signs and symptoms of a MI include _____________, apprehension, and a feeling of doom. Fear
A person may need medical or surgical procedures to open or ____________ the diseased artery. Bypass
A person who has had a MI needs ______________ rehabilitation. Cardiac
Heart failure of congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the _____________ heart cannot pump normally. Weakened
When the left side of the heart cannot pump blood normally, blood backs up into the _________________. Lungs
Left sided heart failure can lead to poor blood flow to the ____________ causing confusion, dizziness, and fainting. Brain
When the right side of the heart cannot pump blood normally, blood backs up into the venous system causing feet and ankles to ________________. Swell
What type of diet is ordered for persons with heart failure? Sodium-controlled
Semi-Fowler's position is the preferred position for ________________ when someone has CHF. Breathing
When caring for someone with CHF you need to measure ____________ and output. Intake
When caring for someone with CHF you need to measure weight _______________. Daily
When caring for someone with CHF you need to restrict __________ as ordered. Fluids
When caring for someone with CHF you need to take measures to prevent skin ________________ and pressure ulcers. Breakdown
When caring for someone with CHF you need to assist with _______-________ activities. Self-care
When caring for someone with CHF you need to apply compression _______________ as ordered. Stockings
Good skin care and regular position ______________ are important when caring for someone with CHF. Changes
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) involves two disorders: chronic _______________ and emphysema. Bronchitis
COPD interferes with oxygen and carbon dioxide _______________ in the lungs. Exchange
Chronic bronchitis occurs after repeated episodes of _______________. Bronchitis
What is a major cause of chronic bronchitis? Smoking
Over time, a person with chronic bronchitis will begin to cough up _____________ that may contain pus. Mucus
A person with chronic bronchitis has difficulty ______________ and gets tired easily. Breathing
The risk of _____________ tract infections is very high in persons with chronic bronchitis. Respiratory
In emphysema the alveoli ______________ and become less elastic. Enlarge
What is a common cause of emphysema? Smoking
Respiratory therapy, breathing exercises, _____________ and medications are common treatments for persons with emphysema. Oxygen
What is the disorder in which the airway becomes inflamed and narrow? Asthma
Wheezing and _____________ are common signs of asthma. Coughing
Over time, the person with chronic bronchitis will cough up _____________ that may contain pus. Mucus
The person with chronic bronchitis has difficulty ____________ and tires easily. Breathing
When someone has chronic bronchitis _____________ tract infection are prevented. Respiratory
In emphysema the alveoli ______________ and become less elastic. Enlarge
What is a common cause of emphysema? Smoking
Respiratory therapy, breathing exercises, _________________, and medications are ordered to treat emphysema. Oxygen
What is the disorder called in which the airway becomes inflamed and narrow? Asthma
Wheezing and _______________ are common signs of asthma. Coughing
What is a respiratory infection caused by viruses? Influenza
Changes in ______________ status may signal flu in older persons. Mental
Worsening of other _____________ problems may signal flu in older persons. Health
A body temperature _______________ the normal range may signal flu in older persons. Below
Increased _______________ may signal flu in older persons. Fatigue
Decreased ______________ and fluid intake may signal flu in older persons. Appetite
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons ____________ years of age and older. 50
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who have chronic _____________, lung, liver, or kidney disease. Heart
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who have ____________. Diabetes
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons that have ______________ system problems. Immune
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who have ________________ system disorders. Nervous
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who have a severe form of _______________ (decreased hemoglobin in the blood). Anemia
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who are __________________. Pregnant
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who are living in _____________ centers. Nursing
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who are ___________ _____________ workers. Heath care
The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for persons who are in contact with person at __________ ____________ for flu-related complications. High risk
What is an inflammation and infection of lung tissue in which the affected tissues fill with fluid? Pneumonia
With pneumonia, oxygen and carbon dioxide ________________ is affected. Exchange
What type of pneumonia is common in older persons? Aspiration
With pneumonia, the color of the ______________ (thick and white, green, yellow, or rust-colored) depends on the cause. Sputum
Persons with pneumonia are treated with ______________ for infection and pain. Medications
When a person has pneumonia, _______________ intake is increased because of fever and to thin secretions. Fluid
What position eases breathing? Semi-Fowler's
Tuberculosis (TB) is spread by ______________ droplets with coughing, sneezing, speaking, singing, or laughing. Airborne
Persons having ___________, frequent contact with those infected with TB are at risk. Close
Created by: na3
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