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Law definitions

Rule of Law It's the rules of the law to state it applies to everyone.
Habeus Corpus ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. you may have the body' (if legal procedures are satisfied).
Rule of precedent Legal principle, created by a court decision, which provides an example or authority for judges deciding similar issues later.
Distinguishing a case a court decides the holding or legal reasoning of a precedent case will not apply due to materially different facts between the two cases.
Amending formula requires the approval of the Senate and House of Commons and of the legislative assemblies of at least two thirds of the provinces with at least 50% of the population of all provinces.
Residual powers power retained by a governmental authority after certain powers have been delegated to other authorities.
Principle of equalization allows everyone = access to services
intra vires within the legal power or authority or a person or official or body etc
Ultra Vires beyond one's legal power or authority.
Actus reus a Latin phrase meaning " a wrongful deed" ; the criminal act or omission to act
Mens rea a Latin phrase meaning "a guilty mind"; the knowledge, intent, or recklessness of one's actions,
Common law Legal rules, principles, and usage that rest upon court decisions rather than upon statutes or other written declarations.
adjective law That area of the law that deals with procedural rules of evidence, pleadings and practice.
prima facie Latin for “at first look,” or “on its face,” prima facie refers to what can be presumed after the first disclosure.
tort From the French word for “wrong,” a tort is a wrongful or illegal act, whether intentional or accidental, in which an injury occurs to another. An intentional tort may also be a crime, such as battery, fraud or theft.
Abet The act of encouraging or inciting another to do a certain thing, such as a crime.
Affirmation (Solemn ) A solemn promise that has the same effect as a religious oath.
Appeal To ask a more senior Court or person to review a decision of a subordinate Court or person.
Bad Faith Intent to deceive. A person who intentionally tries to deceive or mislead another in order to gain some advantage.
Battery Intentional physical contact that is harmful or offensive to the other person; the completion of an assault in tort law.
Bona Fide In good faith; genuine; without fraud or deceit.
Constructive Dismissal Under the employment law of some jurisdictions, judges will consider a situation where there has been a fundamental violation of the rights of an employee,
Felony A serious crime for which the punishment is prison for more than a year or death. Crimes of less gravity are called misdemeanors. This term is no longer used in England or other Commonwealth countries but remains a major distinction in the United States.
Fraud Deceitful conduct designed to manipulate another person to give something of value
Created by: charlie14
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