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Study Guide U-Ecolog

What affects the amount of precipitation in an area? air circulation, evaporation, and mountain ranges
Aquatic ecosystems characteristics -Have vertical stratification of chemical variable (different waters = different chemicals) -Thermal stratification -Responsible for rainfall and global temperature regulation -Help with O2 production and CO2 consumption (photosyn. under water)
6 Social Behaviors of Animals 1. Cooperative- work as a team 2. Agnostic- strength and aggression 3. Dominance 4. Territoriality- defending an area 5. Courtship- "mating rituals" 6. Signals- cause change in another organisms behavior
3 Survivorship Curves 1. Type 1: favorable and top of the chain (many young, numerous middle, few old) 2. Type 2: relatively favorable, but org. may be a food source (constant decline) 3. Type 3: harsh (many young, few middle, very few old)
Why is competition a - - relationship? One has food and the winner spends a lot of energy (comp. exclusion principle) (3 choices)
Other organism relationships 1. Predation ( + , -) Ex: horse gazing 2. Mutualism ( + , +) Ex: Bees/ flowers 3. Commensalism ( - , 0) Ex: Fish/ feet
The difference between primary and secondary succession -Primary- starting from scratch (Hawaii from barren volcanic rock to tropical island) -Secondary- starting at grass level
The flow of energy between trophic levels -Primary producers: can perform photosynthesis -Consumers: heterotrophs -Decomposers: feed on dead organic material
Why do flowers grow towards light and what is it called? Phototropism: The auxin travels down the "dark" side and stimulates those cells to elongate at a greater rate than the "light" side. Unequal growth causes the plant to bend, by growth toward the light for maximum exposure in the leaves.
Boom and bust cycle -Shows the lag time for other species to adjust to change in species population # -the 2 population lines chase each other bc direct relationship -natural selection is promoted bc strongest will survive -predator/prey relationships drive co-evolution
Created by: efaith09
Popular Biology sets




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