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Ch 8 skeleton system

Freely moveable joints Hinge, ball& socket, pivot, gliding, saddle, condyloma
Acromion & Coracoid Proces Serves as an attachment point on the scapula for ligaments & muscles
Cervical curvature Develops 3-4 months after birth
Ribs True, floating, and false
Lumbar curvature Develops at 1year of age
Moving synovial joints Ball & Socket
Dorsiflexion Opposite of plantar flexion
Supination Hands facing upward
Meduallary cavity Lined with endosteum
Sacrum Fused vertebrae that forms the pelvis
Epiphyseal disc Growth plate; site of longitudinal bone growth
Epiphysis Found at the ends of long bones and covered by articular cartilage
Types of Ossification Intramembranous and endochondral
Types of joints Immovable. Slightly moveable. Freely or synovial
Plantar flexion Toe dancing; bending of foot down
Osteoclasts Bone destroying cells
Fontanels Soft spots on babies head. Swelling indicates traumatic injury Indentation or sunken in indicates dehydration
"water on the brain" Hydro cephalus Excessive fluid accumulated with in the brain of an infant. The bones are forced apart and the skull enlarge
Sutures in the skull A joint connects the bones of the skull No significant movement occurs Coronal~Lamboidal~ and squamosa sutures
Bursa aka bursitis or Tennis elbow. Small sacs of synovial fluid between joints & tendons that Cross over the joint
Diaphysis Long shaft bone. Considered to have great strength
Calcaneus Heel bone
Sternum Aka breast bone. Consist of 3 parts including manubrium, Body Xiphoid process
Veretebral column Forms a supporting structure for the head of the Thorax Attachment to the pelvic girdle Protects the spinal cord
Sternum Manubrium, body, and xiphoid process
Occipital Contains the foramen magnum
Articulation Found on the outer surfaces of the epiphysis
Periosteum Tough outer surface of the Bone
Long bones Found in the arms, forearms, palms,fingers, thigh, legs, and instep Metacarpals and phalanges
Short Bones Cube like shaped and found primarily in the ankles and wrist
Flat bones Thin, flat, and curved Found in the ribs, breast bone, cranium, They make up most of the shoulder girdle
Irregular bones Found in the hips, vertebrae and various bones in the skull
Synovial Membrane that lines the insides of the free moving joints
Midclaviclular lines Apic pulse (CPR)
Axis C2. Aka dense. Help your head move side to side (saying no motion) goes through the base of the brain. Main cause of SIDS. injury to the spinal cord
Atlas C1. Sits on top of first and second cervical vertebrae. Has no body
Lordosis Exaggerated lumbar curvature. Aka swayback
C- Shape Curvature of the spine in an infant bending away from the front of the body
Scoliosis Lateral curvature of the thoracic vertebrae. Can compress abdominal organs causing difficulty breathing
Kyphosis An exaggerated thoracic curvature. Aka hunchback
Created by: LMPayne
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