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Digestive System S,F

Stack #2746110

When food is digested before entering your stomach it travels down your ____________. Esophagus
What accessory organ stores and recycles excess bile from your small intestines? Gallbladder
These three accessory organs play a critical role (but is not part of the path of food.) Teeth, tongue and salivary glands.
What are the main organs of the digestive system? (So far what we have learned) Mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum.
Chewing a saltine cracker, breaking the saltine down, and your tongue breaking down food. Which change is occurring physical or chemical in each situation? Physical, chemical, and physical change.
Respiratory and digestive system is made up of 3 parts. What might they be? Oropharynx Nasopharynx Laryngopharynx
The passage that leads from the cavities of the nose and mouth is your ______ and ______. Throat and pharynx
Moves food from the throat to the stomach using muscle movement using (peristalsis.) Is _______. Secretes Mucus
A J-shaped muscular sac-like organ that stores food & grinds & mixes it into a liquid is your ______. Stomach
What does acid in your stomach kill because it obtains hydrochloric acid & digestive enzymes that continue to digest your food. Bacteria
Your stomach contains ____________ acid & digestive __________ that continue the digestion of food. Hydrochloric and Enzymes
Leftover wast continues through the _____ _________. Large intestine
________ are _________ into the bloodstream through _____ _________ walls. Nutrients, absorbed, and small intestines.
This _______ disease is a sensitivity to gluten damage your villi. Celiac Disease
Inflation of the blood vessels at the end of the digestive tract is a _____________. Hemorrhoid
Small pouches form where there weak spots in lining of your colon. Is what disease? Diverticulitis
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBF) affects your large intestine. What disease might this be? Ulcerative Colitis
What accessory organ is out of the mouth that produces biles and secretes into the small intestine to aid digestion? Liver
What accessory organ moistens and fabricates your food as it passes through your mouth? Salivary Glands
What is about the size of two fists that are apart of the digestive system? Stomach
Your rectum receives stool from the colon. True or False True
A long, thick tube about 21/2 inch in diameter 5 ft long is your small intestine. True of False False
Nutrients are absorbed by your bloodstream. True or False True
Heartburn, or acid reflux occurs when stomach acid gets into your esophagus. True or False True
Crohn's disease- autoimmune disease affects the end of the _______ intestine. Small
______- is designed for cutting and grinding food and etc. Teeth
_______- helps push food towards the the back of your mouth to swallow. Tongue
Providing nutrients to the entire body is a ________ that is what makes up the digestive system. (Breaking down food) Function
_______ intestine absorbed water and nutrients from your _______ intestine. (In order that they are presented in the sentence) Large, small
The small intestine is a long tube about _inch in diameter and __ft long. 1inch and 20 ft
What is the order to digest food? Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestine (colon), and then to your rectum.
Created by: Ginaa13
Popular Science sets




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