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Goodcare BioC17

Goodcare LPN C17 Digestive System

The large serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity and covers the organs Peritoneum
Fact: The digestive tract has a wall composed of a mucous membrane, a submucosa, smooth muscle (muscularis externa) and a serous membrane (serosa). Fact card
Occurs in the esophagus Peristalsis
Occurs in the small intestine Segmentation
Proteins are digested in what organ Stomach
3 Division s of the small intestine Duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
Most digestion and absorption takes place in this area of the digestive tract Small intestine
Area of the intestine that absorbs some water and forms and stores stool. Large intestine
The salivary glands are the ____________, submandibular and sublingual Parotid
Organ that secretes bile to emulsify fat. Liver
Stores bile and contracts to release it into the duodenum Gall bladder
Secretes sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes the acidic chyme from the stomach Pancreas
Splitting of water as in digestion Hydrolysis
Produces the most complete digestive secretions Pancreas
Movement of digested nutrients into the circulation absorption
2 types of control over the digestive process Nervous and hormonal control
Keeps stomach contents from passing upward into the esophagus Lower esophageal sphincter
Fact: The enzyme pepsin might be affected if stomach aid (HCL) is reduced, because pepsin needs HCL for activation. Fact Card
This enzyme can compensate for the loss of pepsin Trypsin
The element affected by a Proton Pump inhibitor Hydrogen
Accessory organs that secrete into the mouth Salivary glands
The part of the peritoneum around the small intestine Mesentery
Between the submucosa and the serous membrane in the digestive tract wall Smooth muscle
The smooth muscle in the digestive tract wall is __________ and __________ Circular and longitudinal
Moves food rapidly and is most useful in the esophagus Peristalsis
Common name for the gingiva gum
Additional muscle layer in the stomach that is not found in the rest of the digestive tract The oblique muscle layer
Joins the cecum of the large intestine at the ileocecal valve The ileum
Glands located directly below the tongue Sublingual salivary glands
2 monosacaccharide components of sucrose Glucose and fructose
The layer that covers organs Visceral peritoneum
The layer of the peritoneum in contact with the body wall Parietal peritoneum
Accessory secretory organs needed for digestion but not a direct part of the digestive tract Salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas
Double layered portion of the peritoneum Mesentery
Chewing of food mastication
Movement of controlled amounts of food toward the throat to be swallowed deglutition
Important in regulating how rapidly food moves into the small intestine Pyloric sphincter
Folds of the stomach when empty Rugae
Highly acidic semi-liquid mixtures of gastric juice and food that leaves the stomach to enter the small intestine Chyme
Fact: the small intestine participates in all aspects of digestive function: secretion, motility, digestion and absorption Fact card
The micro villi (villus) ion the cells that line the small intestine, increase surface are to aid in ________________ Absorption
This enzyme and mucus are contained in saliva which initiate carbohydrate digestion Salivary amylase
Largest accessory organ Liver
2 vessels that supply blood to the liver The portal vein and hepatic artery
Fact: the hepatic artery carries blood high in oxygen whereas the venous portal system caries blood that is lower in oxygen and rich in digestive end products Fact card
Glucose is stored in the liver in the form of _______________ Glycogen
Organ important in the modification and storage of fats Liver
True or False : The pancreas stores iron and vitamins False, the liver
Organ important in the formation of blood plasma proteins, albumin, globulin and clotting factors. Liver
A pigment and by product of blood cell destruction Bilirubin
Eliminated in bile and gives stool it's dark color Bilirubin
A waste product of protein metabolism which is synthesized in the liver Urea
Released into blood stream and transported to the kidneys for elimination Urea
It's production is the liver's main digestive function bile
The salts contained in Bile act like a detergent to ____________ fat emulsify
Fact: The common bile duct carries bile from the liver and gallbladder but the common hepatic duct carries bile from the liver Fact card
Bile from the liver flows up through the cystic duct into the _______________ Gallbladder
Fact: When chyme enters the duodenum, the gallbladder contracts and the hepatopancreatic sphincter opens. Bile flows out of the gallbladder and liver into the duodenum. Fact card
Means by which digested nutrients reach the blood Absorption
2 types of control over digestion Nervous and hormonal
"Gut brain" - receives stimuli and issues commands for digestion Enteric nervous system
Fact: The digestive organs produce the hormones involved in regulating digestion Fact card
Hormone which promotes stomach secretions and motility Gastrin
Inhibits the release of gastric juice in the stomach gastric inhibitory peptide
simulates the pancreas to release water and bicarb to dilute and neutralize chyme Secretin
Stimulates the release of enzymes from the pancreas and causes the gallbladder to release bile Cholecystokinin
Hormone released between meals on an empty stomach and stimulates hunger. Ghrelin
Activation of the hypothalamic center located in the __________________stimulates hunger hypothalamus
Created by: TutorDavis17
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