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Goodcare BioC14 LPN

Goodcare LPN Bio C14 Blood Vessels and Circulation

Arteries, veins, capillaries, arterioles and venules 5 types of blood vessels
Carry blood away from the heart and to the tissues Arteries
Carry blood from the tissues and back to the heart Veins
Small subdivisions of the arteries Arterioles
Small vessels that receive blood from the capillaries and begin transport back to the heart Venules
Tiny thin-walled vessels that allow for exchanges between systems (connect the arterioles and venules) Capillaries
This circuit delivers blood to the lungs, getting grid of some CO2 and replenishing O2 Pulmonary circuit
Carry fresh oxygenated blood back to the right atrium Pulmonary Vein
Supplies nutrients and oxygen to all tissues and carries waste materials away from the tissues. Systemic circuit
Receives fresh oxygenated blood from the left ventricle and branches into the systemic arteries carry blood to the tissues Aorta
Venous blood flows into this atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava Right atrium
Inner tunic, middle tunic outer tunic 3 layers of the arteries
Membrane of simple squamous epithelial cells making up the endothelium, forms a smooth surface over which the flood flows easily. Inner tunic
Thickest layer of the tunics and is made of smooth involuntary muscle under the control of the autonomic nervous system Middle tunic
Tunic made of supporting connective tissue Outer tunic
This type of tissue allows the layers of the artery walls to stretch when receiving blood and then return to it's original size. Elastic tissue
Bracheocephalic, left common carotid and left subclavian arteries 3 branches of the aortic arch
Divisions of the aorta ascending aorta, aortic arch, thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta
A single layer of squamous epithelium makes up the wall of a ___________ Capillary
Communication between two vessels Anastomosis
What veins are near the surface Superficial
A large channel that drains blood low in oxygen Venous sinus
What portal system takes blood from the abdominal organs to the liver Hepatic portal system
What type of pressure helps to draw materials into a capillary Osmotic Pressure
Vasomotor activities are regulated in the ______________ of the brain Medulla
Fact: Blood vessel diameter as regulated by vasomotor activity is the most important factor in determination of peripheral resistance Fact card
Fact: Veins have valves that control blood flow Fact card
Fact: An artery has a thicker wall than a vein Fact card
Fact: There is one brachiocephalic artery and 2 brachiocephalic veins. Fact card
Fact: Pulse pressure drops to 0 in the arterioles Fact card
Fact: Heart rate increases when blood pressure falls due to increased cardiac output and vasoconstriction Fact card
Fact: The artery is the heaviest type of blood vessel with a thick tunica media com-posed of muscle and connective tissue Fact card
Fact: Veins have the same 3 main layers, but the tunica media is thinner than in the arteries Fact Card
With only a few exceptions, veins lead toward the heart Fact Card
Capillaries have tiny slits called fenestrae, and movement through these slits is called diapedesis
In _______________ capillaries there are larger spaces to allow larger particles to pass through. sinusoidal
Artery that supplies the right arm (right subclavian) and head (right common carotid Brachiocephalic artery
Thoracic aorta – serves the chest and its organs. Also forms celiac trunk to the left gastric artery, splenic artery and hepatic artery. Abdominal aorta begins with the diaphragm and goes down through all of the abdominopelvic structures. Fact card
This part of the aorta, begins with the diaphragm and goes down through all of the abdominopelvic structures. Abdominal aorta
Loops of artery fed by two or more arteries to insure blood will reach critical structures Anastomoses
Fact: Anastomoses -Cerebral arterial circle (Circle of Willis) in the head (to brain) Superficial palmar arch of the hand Mesenteric arches around intestines Arcuate arteries and other arterial arches in the foot. Fact Card
The pressure wave of blood moving through the systemic arteries The pulse
Fact: Medical personnel know to measure the pulse with the fingertips, NEVER with the thumb! Fact Card
The maximum pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts. Systolic pressure
The lowest pressure as measured after the heart relaxes. Diastolic pressure
Vasoconstriction causes increased _______________, which when added to increased cardiac output, increases blood pressure. Increased Resistance
Increased heart rate and contraction strength lead to _________ _______________. Cardiac Output
The measure of the force exerted by the blood against the vessel walls. Blood pressure
Created by: TutorDavis17
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