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Cardiovascular Sys

heart, vessels

Atrium (atria) upper chambers of the heart. thin walled. Receive blood. Right receives from body, left receives from lungs
Ventricle Lower chambers of the heart. Thicker walled (left is thickest). Send blood to the body (left) and lungs (right)
Pulmonary circuit The flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and back (right ventricle to lungs to left atrium)
Systemic circuit The flow of blood from the heart to the body and back (left ventricle to the body to the right atrium)
Aorta Elastic artery that blood enters from the left ventricle
vena cava Large veins (superior and inferior) that deliver blood to the right atrium from the body
Diastole Period of relaxation of the heart
Systole Period of contraction of the heart
SA Node Pacemaker of the heart. Located in the right atrium. Called the sinoatrial node. Controls heart rate.
Venous valve one way valves in the veins of the legs to prevent blood from back flowing to the feet. Helps return blood to the heart
elastic artery The largest arteries that have elastic walls to expand under pressure. Example: aorta
muscular artery Distributing arteries. Arteries that transport blood to the organs of the body. Muscular walls allow for control of pressure distribution.
respiratory pump Actions in the thoracic cavity (breathing) that help draw venous blood back up to the heart from the lower body.
capillaries Exchange vessels. One cell thick vessels that exchanges gases, nutrients and wastes with cells.
veins Transport vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Smallest called venules.
aortic valve valve between the left ventricle and aorta. One of two semilunar valves. Prevents back flow from aorta to heart.
pulmonary valve valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. One of two semilunar valves in the heart. Prevents backflow.
mitral valve (bicuspid) Also called the left atrioventricular valve. Located between the left atrium and ventricle. Has two flaps. Keeps blood from flowing backwards into the atrium from ventricle.
tricuspid valve Also called the right atrioventricular valve. Located between the right atrium and ventricle. Keeps blood from flowing backward.
arrhythmia an irregular heart beat
bradycardia a slower than normal heart rate (lower than 60 beats per minute)
tachycardia a faster than normal heart rate not due to stress or fear
AV node a node near the AV valve in the right atrium that delays the action potential so that the ventricles contract after the atria.
Conduction system The nodes and fibers in the heart that generate and conduct electrical impulses resulting in the atria and ventricles contracting in a rhythmic way.
cardiac cycle a complete heart beat starting with its generation until the next one. Involves steps (cardiac diastole, atrial systole/ventricular diastole, atrial diastole/ventricular systole)
ECG an electrocardiogram that measure the electrical signals generated and conducted in the heart
P wave atrial depolarization
QRS complex ventricular depolarization
T wave ventricular repolarization
Pulse the surge of blood through the arteries felt at the wrist or throat. Indirect measurement of heart rate.
Created by: deleted user
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