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PCS Earth Science

Chapter 24 Vocabulary - Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras

cordillera means "mountain range" in Spanish; mountain ranges formed in western North America when active subduction along North America's western coast continued through the Middle Triassic
modern fauna new marine organisms that evolved during the Mesozoic, including crabs, shrimps, sponges, sea urchins, modern corals, snails, and clams, plus major vertebrate groups such as bony fishes, aquatic reptiles, sharks, and aquatic mammals
angiosperm seed-bearing, flowering plants that evolved during the Cretaceous
dinosaur terrestrial reptile that developed an upright posture and dominated the Mesozoic land
Ornithischia "bird-hipped", herbivorous dinosaurs
Saurischia "lizard-hipped" dinosaurs - quadrapedal (4-legged), herbivorous sauropods and bipedal (2-legged), carnivorous theropods
ectrotherm animal whose body temperature is regulated by the temperature of its surroundings
endotherm animal that maintains a relatively constant body temperature, regardless of its surroundings
iridium metal that is rare in rocks at Earth's surface but is relatively common in meteorites and asteroids
Basin and Range Province area in the southwestern United States and Northern-Central Mexico where extensive tectonisms results in the formation of the mountain ranges separated by long valleys
Thetys Sea narrow sea with a strong westward current that moves organisms great distances and, following the break-up of Pangaea, separated Africa and Eurasia before they collided
primate mammal that developed specialized traits, such as opposable thumbs and two eyes directed forward, primarily because of arboreal ancestry
hominoid group of primates, including hominids
hominid group of uprights, bipedal (2-legged) primates, including home sapiens
homo sapiens species to which humans belong
Created by: Ms.Sala
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