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Biology 10th grade

Semester 1 Final

Chemical Reaction Result when two or more elements are chemically mixed.
Buffer Mixtures that react with acids or bases to keep pH within a particular range.
Species Group of specific organisms.
Population Same species living in same place and time.
Niche Role or position that an organism has in its environment.
Invasive Species Non-native species that are transported to a new habitat.
Ecology Study of how organisms interact with one another and their environment.
Peer Review Results of the factor being tested.
pH Scale Measure of concentration of hydrogen in a solution.
Catalyst Substance that lowers the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
Hypothesis Information gathered from a logical statement.
Theory A Statement that can be proven about an subject.
Observation Information collected with the senses.
Inference Conclusions based on observations.
Independent Variable You can change and control.
Dependent Variable Change as result of Independent variable.
Control Variable Stays the same through out.
Acids Releases hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.
Bases Releases hyroxide ions when dissolved in water.
Reactants Starting Substance.
Products Substances formed by the reactions.
Solute Substance that is dissolved in the solvent.
Solvent Substance in which another substance is dissolved.
Autotroph (Producer) Gets energy by sunlight. -Plants
Heterotroph (Consumer) Gets energy by consuming other organisms. -Animals
Limiting Factor Restricts numbers, reproduction or distribution of organisms.
Carrying Capacity Max number of individuals in a species that environment can support for long term.
Prokaryote Unicellular.
Eukaryote Multicellular.
Mutualism Both organisms benefit.
Commensalism One benefits and the other is unaffected.
Parasitism One benefits and the other is harmed.
Nucleus Contains most of DNA. The center is the nucleolus where ribosomes are formed.
Endoplasmic Reticulum System of folded sacs.
Mitochondria Converts sugar into energy.
Golgi Apparatus Flattened stacks of membranes that package protein into sacs called vesicles.
Ribosome Helps make proteins.
Vacuole Vesicles used for temporary storage for food, enzymes and water.
Lysosome Digests old organelles, food particles, and foreign matter.
Cytoplasm Semi-fluid material that fills the cell.
Chloroplast Captures light and converts it into energy.
Centriole Groups of microtubles used in cell division.
Cell Wall Thick, rigid, surround plasma membrane.
Created by: MakStabs
Popular Biology sets




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