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Clothes and Fabrics

Clothes and Fabrics in Chinese

衬衫 167 Dress shirt / Blouse chèn shān
T恤 168 T-shirt T xù
裤子 169 Pants kù zi
牛仔裤 170 Jeans niú zǎi kù
短裤 171 Shorts duǎn kù
连衣裙 172 Dress lián yī qún
裙子 / 短裙 173 Skirt qún zi / duǎn qún
燕尾服 174 Tuxedo yàn wěi fú
西装 175 Suit xī zhuāng
领带 / 领结 176 Tie lǐng dài / lǐng jié
领巾 177 Cravat lǐng jīn
泳衣 178 Bathing Suit yǒng yī
比基尼 179 Bikini bǐ jī ní
泳裤 180 Swim Trunks yǒng kù
睡衣 181 Pajamas shuì yī
内衣 182 Underwear nèi yī
短袜 183 Socks duǎn wà
长袜 184 Stockings cháng wà
外套 185 Coat wài tào
夹克 186 Blazer / Jacket jiá kè
背心 187 Vest bèi xīn
卫衣 188 Hoodies wèi yī
毛衣 189 Sweater máo yī
运动衫 190 Sweatshirt yùn dòng shān
围巾 191 Scarf wéi jīn
手套 192 Gloves shǒu tào
人字拖 193 Flip-flops rén zì tuō
运动鞋 194 Sneakers yùn dòng xié
凉鞋 195 Sandals liáng xié
高跟鞋 196 Stilettos / High heels gāo gēn xié
靴子 197 Boots xuē zi
木屐 198 Clogs mù jī
首饰 199 Jewellery shǒu shì
项链 200 Necklace xiàng liàn
戒指 201 Ring jiè zhǐ
手镯 202 Bracelet shǒu zhuó
耳环 203 Earring ěr huán
手表 204 Watch shǒu biǎo
皮带 205 Belt pí dài
太阳镜 206 Sunglasses tài yáng jìng
拉链 207 Zipper lā liàn
扣子 208 Button kòu zi
口袋 209 Pocket kòu dài
210 Cotton mián
211 Silk
聚酯纤维 212 Polyester jù zhǐ xiān wéi
尼龙 213 Nylon ní lóng
214 Velvet róng
羊毛 215 Wool yáng máo
牛仔布 216 Denim niú zǎi bù
帆布 217 Canvas fān bù
皮革 218 Leather pí gé
毛皮 219 Fur máo pí
亚麻 220 Linen yà má
Created by: Ruth Zannis
Popular Chinese sets




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