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gerontology and older adult

chronologic age number of years a person has lived.
physiologic age refers to the determination of age by body function.
functional age refers to a person's ability to contribute to society and benefits other and themselves.
gerontology is the scientific study of the effects of time on human development.
geriatrics is the medical care of the aged involved special considerations.
forms of long term care sub acute careassisted living facilityadult day carehome carehospice
Sub care for people who require ongoing care or recovery for an acuted condition but do not need to receive the services on an acute hospital unit.
assisted living facility a from of housing that provides 24 hr staffing, meals, supervision of meds, and personal care assistance.
adult day care a daytime program for people who typically have the same level of impairments as nursing home residents but who recieve care in the community usually by family memebers.
home care for community-based people who are homebound and who need care giving or special treatments.
hospice for people who are terminally ill, can be provided in the home or a day hospital setting. Hospice benefit is highly underused to make people comfortable and pain free at the end of life.
quality and quantity of caregiver support it is a change in status of the caregiver that precipitates the dependent person's admission to a long term care facility.
assess and assist it is improtant to assess the family and assist these caregivers in using interventions and resources that promote an maintain their health and well-beingmaking pt comfortable and decreasing suffering.
functional status is the result of the combined effect of disease and disability on the person's ability to carry out the tasks of daily living.
functional assessment is a systemic measure of objective performance in areas of daily living.
ADL activities of daily living
IADL independent activities of daily living
factors that influence functional status sleep, sensory, impairments, mobility and balance
sleep and older adults fall asleep with more difficulty, awaken more readily, and more frequently.spend more time in drowsiness stage, and less in deep sleep-use of hypnotics, antidepressants, diuretics, and hypertensives.
sensory impairments normal aging results in some sensory impairments, vision problems will increase risk of falling.
mobility and balance mobility is essential for maintaining independence,mobility depends on the ability to maintain balance an strength.
psychosocial factors that influence functional status ageismmultiple lossesrelocationneglect and abuse
ageism refers to the prejudices and stereotypes applied to older people purely because of their age.
ngeativism can cause older people to adopt modes of dependency, helplessness, and negative self-image, leading to increase vulnerability to biopsychosocial stressors.
multiple losses aging persons experience person, social, and economic losses, these lead to mental confusion, withdrawl, helplessness and depression
relocation one type of loss that can produce psychological changes in mortality and morbidity.
quality of life normal pshysiologic aging changes and chronic health conditions have a large impact on a person's percieved quality of life.
subgroups of elderly 65-74 years old=young old74-84 years old= middle old85-99 years old= old old(fastes growing)100-above= elite old(centenarians)
frequently occuring conditions hypertensionarthritisheart diseasecancersinusitisdiabeteshearing impairment
aging is a gradual process of change over the course of time.
psyhological aspects of aging refers to the age-related adaptive capacity of the individual to experience an interpret events
ego integrilty versus despair view life with a sense of wholeness and derive satisfaction from past accomplishments. and see death as an acceptable completion of life.
epidemiology study of health among populations
chronic conditions develop over time and can start about age 20
3 levels of prevention primary-health promotionsecondary-early diagnosis and prompt txteriary-restoration and rehabilitation
modifiable risk factors things you can change:smoking, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, failur to use preventative screening services
common myths of aging old means sick, cannot learn new things, promotion is wasted on older people, they do not pull their own weight, too late to change bad habits, and no interest in sex.
what is the role of the gerontological nurse to educate colleagues and peers
what is the # os individuals impacted by chronic illness 1 in 10 people in the united states(30 million) have a related activity limitation.
oppertunities to improve older adults health and quality of life healthy lifestyles, early disease detection, immunization, injury prevention, self-management techniques
types of aging changes benign and superficial(gray hair & wrinkles)senescence-progressive body system seteriorationplastic-modifiable changes that can be slowed
organ reserve changes homeostatis, homeostenosis(inability of body to restory hoemostasis after environmental changes.
aging theories programmed theories-genetic codes contain instructions for regulaiton of cellular reproduction and death.
biological theories error theories-toxic by products caused by body's need to make energy and fuel metabolic activites-free radical theory
Jungs theory of individualism as a person ages, the shift of focus is away from the external world toward the inner experience-search for answers to life's riddles and try to find true-self.
erickson's theory ego integrilty versus despire-older person becomes preoccupied with acceptance of eventual death without becoming morbid or obsessed.
sociological aging theories focus on roles and realtionships that occur later in life.
disengagement theory negative concept by older person-they take themsevles out of society.
activity theory as a younger person you will be as an older person
continuity theory you will be the same perosn at 40 as you are at 80
past focus on gerontology study, diagnose, and treat disease
current focus on gerontology imrpovement of health holistically:physicalmentalemotionalspiritual well-being
Created by: medamann
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