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68WM6 Test 2

68WM6 Test 2 Study Guide

What is the dermis? The thick inner layer of the skin composed mainly of fibrous connective tissue.
Sebaceous Gland Skin gland that secretes sebum (oil)
Pseudostratified Tissue Single layer of tall cells that wedge together to appear as if there are two are more layers.
Where can you find pseudostratified tissue? Surface lining on the trachea
What is the function of pseudostratified tissue? Protection
Fibroblasts Type of cell that synthesizes the extracellular matrix and collagen.The most common type of connective tissues.
Neuron A nerve cell.
Mitosis Division of a somatic cell nucleus in the process of forming two genetically identical cells.
Diffusion Movement of carbon dioxide out of all cells.
Cutaneous pertaining to the skin.
Piloerection goosebumps!!
Healing of an Epidermal Wound Shallow break in skin which results in rapid mytosis.
Stratified Transitional Tissue Many layers of varying transitional shapes capable of stretching.
Where can you find Stratified Transitional Tissue? In the urinary bladder.
Filtration Movement of small molecules through a membrane by a hydrostatic pressure while large molecules are restricted.
What are the four stages of mitosis? 1.Prophase 2.Metaphase 3.Anaphase 4.Telophase
Endoplasmic Reticulum Organelle composed of a system of connected membranous tubules and vessicles, along which protein is synthesized.
Dialysis Separation of smaller (diffusable) particles from larger (non-diffusable) particles through a semipermeable membrane.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA - genetic material a double stranded polymer-stranded polymer of nucleotides.
Inflammation Dilation of blood vessels in affected tissues.Skin is reddened, swollen, and painful to touch.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Organic molecule that stores and releases energy which may be used in cellular processes.
Apocrine Gland Type of gland whose secretions contain parts of secretory cells "sweat gland"
Simple Columnar Tissue Single layer of tall narrow cells.
Collagen Protein in connective tissue and in bone matrix.
Keratinization Process by which cells form fibrils of Keratin and harden.
Eccrine Glands Respond to an elevated body temperature, environmental heat or physical exercise.Common on the forehead, neck, and back.
Epitheal Tissue Covers body surfaces & organs. Forms inner lining of body cavities & lines hollow organs.Lacks blood vessels. Cells are tightly packed.
Exocytosis Exo(external) cytosis (cell)
Exocytosis is defined as? A process in which a cell directs the contents of secretory vessicles out of the cell membrane. Ex: hormones
Phagocytosis Process by which a cell engulfs and digests solids. (literally cell eating)
The visible part of hair is called what? The SHAFT!
Mitochondria threadlike structures
Pinocytosis Process by which a cell engulfs droplets of fluid from its surroundings.(cell drinking)
Telophase Stage in which newly formed cells separate.
Transcription Manufacturing a complimentary RNA from DNA
Organelle Part of a cell that performs a specialized function.
Endocytosis The process by which cells absorb molecules from outside the cell by engulfing it with their cell membrane.
Nucleoplasm A special type of cytoplasm found in the nucleus.
Osteon Cylinder shaped unit including bone cells that surround a central canal.
Collagenous Cells Thick threads of protien collagen grouped in long parallel bundles. Flexible but only elastic. Provides great tensile strength.
Dentrite Process of a neuron that recieves input from other neurons.
Cytoplasm Contents of a cell exluding the nucleus and cell membrane.
Cuboidal cell shape resembling a cube.
Basement Membrane Layer of extracellular matrix that anchors epithelial tissue to underlying connective tissues.
Keratin Protien in epidermis hair and nails.
What are the 4 major tissue types? 1.Epithelial 2.Connective 3.Muscle 4.Nervous
Stratum Basale The deepest layer of the epidermis. Contains cells undergoing mitosis. These cells are nourished by dermal blood vessels.
Epidermis The epidermis is stratified squamous epithelial tissues. The outermost layer of the epidermis composed of dead cells. The bottom is composed of living cells.
Osmosis Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane in response to a concentration gradient.
Areolar Connective tissue consisting of fibers and a cariety of cells embedded in a loose matrix of soft sticky gel.
Integumentary System The skin and accessory organs.
Which gland is responsible for sweat? Sudoriferous gland
Subcutaneous Layer (Hypodermis) Composed of loose connective tissue and adipose tissue; lies beneath the dermis.
Adipose tissue helps conserve_____and to store____. heat and to store energy
Metaphase Stage in mitosis when chromosomes align in the middle of the cell.
Matrix Intercellular substance of a tissue (not the corny movie)
Crenation Abnormal notching in an erthrocyte resulting from shrinkage oafter suspension in a hypertonic solution.
Sudoriferous Glands Sweat Glands
Nucleus Cellular organelle enclosed by a double layered, porous membrane and containing DNA; the dense core of an atom composed of protons and neutrons.
Spindle Fiber A network of tubules formed in the cytoplasm between the centrioles as they are moving away from eachother.
Elastic Cells Composed of protein, thin fibers branch forming complex networks.
Glandular Tissue Cells that are specialized to produce and secrete substances into ducts or into body fluids.
Facilitated Diffusion Movement of particles through a membrane from an area of low concentration by the use of CARRIER MOLECULES!!! Byah!
Anaphase Stage in mitosis when duplicate chromosomes move to opposite poles of cell.
Lysosome Organelle that contains difestive enzymes.
Adipose Fat storing tissue
Squamous Flat or platelike
Columnar Cells are taller than wide.
Arector Pili Muscle Smooth muscle in skin associated with a hair follicle.
Collagen Principle organic constituent of connective tissue. Yargh!
Cilia Microscopic hairlike processes on the exposed surfaces of certain epithelial cells.
Chromatin DNA and complexed protein that condenses to form chromosomes during mitosis.
Chromatid One half of a replicated chromosome
Chondrocyte Cartilage cell
Centriole Cellular organelle built of microtubules that organizes the mitotic spindle
Axon Nerve fiber conducts a nerve impulse away from a neuron cell body.
Nucleolus A small structure within the cell nucleus that contains RNA and proteins.
Melanocytes Melanin producing cell.
Hair Follicle Tubelike depression in the skin in which a hair develops.
Lyse Disintrigation of a cell.
Epidermis Outer epithelial layer of the skin.
Ribosome Organelle composed of RNA and protein that is a structural support for protein synthesis and includes RNA molecules that function as enzymes.
Interphase Period between two cell divisions when a cell metabolizes and prepares to divide.
Created by: NurseMaryK
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