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Cellular Respiration

aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration

What is the purpose of cellular respiration Convert the energy of carbon compounds like glucose to energy of ATP ( adenosine triphosphate) that cells can use for energy
What is the importance of ATP it is an energy molecule that provides energy for cells to do work
what are the reactants of aerobic cellular respiration glucose and oxygen
What are the products of aerobic cellular respiration carbon dioxide, water, and ATP
Cellular respiration fits into a type of chemical reaction called ? and the usual products are.... combustion, carbon dioxide and water are the products when something burns... plus energy
the equation of cellular respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis
Does glycolysis require oxygen? Is it an aerobic process or an anaerobic process NO, it is an anaerobic process
What are the 3 major steps of aerobic cellular respiration glycolysis, krebs cycle, and electron transport chain
What are the 2 steps of anaerobic cellular respiration glycolysis and fermentation
Processes that use oxygen are called? Those that don't use oxygen are called ? aerobic, anaerobic
Where does glycolysis occur? in the cytoplasm
What is the starting material of glycolysis? What is the end product of glycolysis? glucose... is broken down to pyruvate
Besides pyruvate, what are other products of glycolysis? Some NADH ( will carry electrons and energy on to ETC if given a chance), and 2 ATP's
Has glucose been broken down completely to yield as much ATP as possible after glycolysis forms pyruvate NO, pyruvate still contains much of the energy that was initially in glucose .. If oxygen is available the pyruvate will continue to be broken down to produce more energy
What is the Krebs Cycle series of reactions in the mitochondrial matrix that breaks down pyruvate into carbon dioxide and contines to pass of the energy of the carbohydtate to the electron transport chain as NADH and FADH2
What chemical is a bridge between the pyruvate made in glycolysis and the Krebs cycle Acetyl Co A
What are the energy carriers or electron carriers that are found in several steps of cellular respiration and the one found specifically in the Krebs cycle NADH ( made in several steps).... and FADH2 from the Krebs cycle
What are the products from the Krebs cycle carbon dioxide ( a waste product), NADH and FADH2 ( electron and energy carriers), and 2 ATP's
What portion of aerobic cellular respiration makes the most ATP the electron transport chain ( it makes approximately 32-34 ATP's per glucose)
What is the location of the electron transport chain that occurs during aerobic cellular respiration it is in the mitochondrial membrane (inner membrane)
What two processes have electron transport chains to produce ATP or energy molecules photosynthesis and cellular respiration
What are the forms of the energy carriers ... the empty or uncharged from and the charged or energy full form NAD+ becomes NADH when it has picked up energy... and FAD becomes FADH2
What flows through ATP synthase and what is the result hydrogen that was pumped by the electron transport chain end up going through ATP synthase to form ATP ( ADP + P) ... the hydrogen provide energy for this process
What is the final electron acceptor and what is formed as the final electron acceptor accepts the protons and electrons OXYGEN... THE FINAL ELECTRON ACCEPTOR... the end product is water
Approximately how much ATP do you get from each step of aerobic cellular respiration and the approximate end result 2 from glycolysis, 2 from Krebs and 32 to 34 from ETC... so about 38 all together from each glucose ( if you know more that 30 from ETC you are good.... it is more efficient that anaerobic
How do prokaryotes do aerobic cellular respiration w/o having mitochondra they have the electron transport chain in their plasma membrane
What steps do bacteria or prokaryotes called anaerobic organisms do for cellular respiration they must do glycolysis and fermentation ( called anaerobic cellular respiration)
If you only do glycolysis for energy requirements you would run out of NAD+
What is the purpose of fermentation to replenish NAD+ and allow glycolysis to continue and to provide a small amount of energy
Where does fermentation occur in the cytoplasm ( both glycolysis and fermentation occur in the cytoplasm)
When can mammals do lactic acid fermentation when they are doing strenuous exercise and don't have enough oxygen for aerobic cellular respiration.. they can do this type of fermentation for a short time until muscle pain and cramps set in
What are the organisms that do lactic acid fermentation muscle cells in mammals under strenuous exercise and certain bacteria in dairy ( they produce a sour flavor in various food products
when fermentation occurs in muscle cells ... what are the events that occur the pyruvate ( from glycolysis ) join with the NADH that is around and produces lactic acid and returns the NAD+ so glycolysis will be able to continue
Who does alcoholic fermentation yeast and plants and some bacteria
What are the products of alcoholic fermentation again the pyruvate reacts with NADH to return NAD+ for the process of glycolysis... the other products are alcohol and carbon dioxide
How have humans used the products that they can get from alcoholic fermentation they use CO2 to make bread rise and the alcohol can be used to make beer or wine for adult consumers
Two types of organisms that do alcoholic fermentation and two types of organisms that do lactic acid fermentation plants and yeast do alcoholic fermentation(bacteria can do this also).... and muscles in animals ( if strenuous exercise), bacteria in dairy ...make sour tastes)
Created by: shemehl
Popular Biology sets




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