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Ch. 7 & 11

Envi Science Impastato/Hodge

What are 3 functions of wetlands? 1) absorb pollutants 2) traps carbon 3) flood control
Where do estuaries receive their nutrients from? ocean tide & river sediment
What's the number 1 cause of coastal pollution? runoff (sediment build up)
Where is most marine life found? shallow, coastal waters
What are 3 major threats to ocean ecosystems? overfishing, oil spills, and pollution
What factors determine where living things live in ponds and lakes? temperature, sunlight, oxygen, nutrients
What are shallow zones of water, near the shores? littoral zones
What are organisms that float near the surface of waters? plankton
What are the free- swimming organisms found in water? nekton
What are the bottom-dwelling organisms found in water known as? benthos
What is a place where fresh and salt water mix? estuary
What organisms tends to be the base of all aquatic food chains? phytoplankton
What are limestone ridges built by coral polyps and algae? They are the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. coral reefs
What are 2 main freshwater wetlands? marshes and swamps
What is the amount of dissolved salts in water known as? salinity
What are 3 threats to coral reefs? climate change, oil spills, and runoff pollution
Why doesn't photosynthesis occur in deep ocean water? because sunlight does not reach deep ocean water
What is all the freshwater on Earth's land known as? surface water
What are 3 examples of surface water? lakes, ponds, rivers
What is the water beneath earth's surface in spaces of sediment and rock? ground water
Why do treatment plants add chlorine to the water? to kill the bacteria and pathogens
How does industry use freshwater in their processes? to manufacture goods, dispose waste, and generate power
What's the largest watershed in the US? Mississippi
What is pollution discharged from a single source? point source pollution
What are 3 examples of point source pollution? 1) leaking septic tanks 2) unlined landfills 3)leaking underground storage tanks that have chemicals or fuel
What is also known as "runoff pollution" that comes from MANY different sources, that is often hard to identify? non-point source pollution
What are 3 examples of non-point source pollution? 1) water runoff from cities 2) pesticides & fertilizers from lawns, farms, etc 3) soil runoff from farms and construction sites
What is an underground body of rock that stores groundwater? aquifer
What is it called when industries discharge warm water into lakes or rivers? thermal pollution
What is the process that increases amount of nutrients in the water through human activity, such as waste disposal and land drainage? artificial eutrophication
What is the accumulation of pollutants at successive levels of the food chain? biomagnification
What's an area of land through which water percolated to be stored as groundwater known as? recharge zone
What's a hole that is dug or drilled to reach ground water? wells
What is build across rivers to control river flow? dams
What is open spaces between rock that allows for water flow called? porosity
What is the ability of rocks or soil to allow water to flow through it? permeability
What are 2 threats to river ecosystems? 1) industries runoff (pesticides, fertilizer) 2) dams
What are 5 primary pollutants of water? 1) pathogens 2) organic matter 3) organic chemicals 4) inorganic chemicals 5) heavy metals 6) physical agents
What percentage of ocean pollution is caused from a direct spill of an oil tanker? 5%
Why is polluted groundwater hard to clean? 1) Ground water recharges slowly 2) Water is dispersed through large areas of rock and can cling to rock surfaces
Where does 85% of ocean pollution comes from? land sources
What are disease causing organisms? pathogens
How much water does the Ogallala Aquifer supply to the US? supplies 1/3 of groundwater used in US
What does potable water mean? drinkable water
Created by: dcrovato
Popular Science sets




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