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OB test one

Conception defined as the union of a single egg and sperm, marks the beginning of a pregnancy. Conception occurs not as an isolated event but as part of a sequential process. This sequential process includes gamete (egg and sperm) formation, ovulation (release of th
Mitosis body cells replicate to yield two cells with the same genetic makeup as the parent cell. First the cell makes a copy of its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and then it divides; each daughter cell receives one copy of the genetic material. Mitotic division fa
Meiosis the process by which germ cells divide and decrease their chromosomal number by half, produces gametes (eggs and sperm). Each homologous pair of chromosomes contains one chromosome received from the mother and one from the father; thus meiosis results in
Gravida A woman who is pregnant
Gravidity pregnancy
Multigravida a woman who has had two or more pregnancies
multipara a woman who has completed two or more pregnancies to 20 or more weeks of gestation
nulligravida a woman who has never been pregnant
nullipara a woman who has not completed a pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached 20 weeks of gestation
parity the number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses have reached 20 weeks of gestation when they are born, not the number of fetuses (e.g., twins) born. Whether the fetus is born alive or is stillborn (fetus who shows no signs of life at birth) does
postdate or postterm a pregnancy that goes beyond 42 weeks of gestation
preterm a pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks of gestation but ends before completion of 37 weeks of gestation
primigravida a woman who is pregnant for the first time
primipara a woman who has completed one pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached 20 weeks of gestation
term a pregnancy from the beginning of week 38 of gestation to the end of week 42 of gestation
viability capacity to live outside the uterus; about 22 to 25 weeks of gestation
Created by: shelihicks
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