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PCS Earth Science

Chapter 8 Vocabulary - Mass Movements, Wind, and Glaciers

mudflow rapidly flowing, often destructive mixture of mud and water that may be triggered by an earthquake, intense rainstorm, or volcanic eruption
avalanche landslide that occurs in a mountainous area when snow falls on an icy crust, becomes heavy, slips off, and slides swiftly down an a mountainslide
creep slow, steady downhill movement of loose weathered Earth materials, especially soils, causing objects on a slope to tilt
landslide rapid downslope movement of a mass of loose soil, rock, or debris that has separated from the bedrock; can be triggered by an earthquake
mass movement downslope movement of Earth materials due to gravity, that can occur suddenly or very slowly depending on the weight of the materials, its resistance to sliding, and whether a trigger, such as an earthquake, is involved
slump mass movement that occurs when Earth materials in a landslide rotate and slide along a curved surface, leaving a crescent-shaped scar on a slope
deflation lowering of land surface caused by wind erosion of loose surface particles, often leaving coarse sediment behind
abrasion a wearing away or rubbing away by friction
ventifact rock shaped by wind-blown sediments
dune pile of wind-blown sand that develops over time, whose shape depends on sand availability, wind velocity (speed) and direction, and amount of vegetation present
loess thick wind-blown, fertile deposit of silt that contains high levels of nutrients and minerals
glacier large mass of ice which flows slowly
valley glacier glacier that forms in a valley in a mountainous area and widens v-shaped stream valleys into u-shaped valleys as it moves downslope
continental glacier glacier that forms over a broad, continent-sized area of land and usually spreads out from its center
cirque deep depression scooped out by a valley glacier
moraine ridge of mixed debris deposited by a melting glacier
outwash plain area at the leading edge of a glacier, where outwash is deposited by melt water streams
drumlin elongated landform that results when a glacier moves over an older moraine
esker long, winding ridge of layered sediments deposited by streams that flow beneath a melting glacier
Created by: Ms.Sala
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