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PCS Earth Science

Chapter 4 Review

What is a naturally occurring, sold, inorganic compound or element? mineral
A crystal is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in what type of pattern? repeating
What are regular, geometric shapes that occur in many minerals called? crystal
How are minerals formed? from magma or from supersatured solutions
How are minerals identified? based on their physical and chemical properties
What is the most reliable way to identify a mineral? by using a combination of several tests
Minerals that break randomly exhibit _______________. fractures
Why is salt classified as a mineral, but sugar is not? Salt is inorganic, sugar comes form a plant
Minerals are classified based on what? their chemical properties and characteristics
What are the major mineral groups? silicates, carbonates, oxides, sulfides, sulfates, halides, and native elements
True or False. An ore contains a valuable substance that can be mined at a profit. true
True or False. Gems are valuable minerals because there are so many. False. Gems are rare.
What is the term for minerals containing silicon and oxygen? silicate
Minerals that break randomly exhibit ___________. fracture
The __________ test determines what materials a mineral will scratch. hardness
Which mineral will scratch glass (hardness = 5.5), but not pyrite? orthoclase
The internal atomic structure of a mineral most likely determines the mineral's _________. hardness, cleavage, and crystal shape
What is the best way to determine if a mineral sample is calcite or quartz? place a drop of acid on the mineral
Which is one of the three most common elements in the Earth's crust? silicon
Calcite is the dominant mineral in the rock limestone. In which mineral group does it belong? carbonates
What mineral fizzes when it comes in contact with hydrochloric acid? calcite
Dull, silky, waxy, pearly, and earthy are terms that best describe which property of minerals? luster
For a mineral to be considered an ore, which requirement must it meet? Its production must generate a profit.
Created by: Ms.Sala
Popular Earth Science sets




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