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CNA abb. study stack

CNA text book Basic Skills for Nursing Assistants

abd abdomen
AC or a.c before meals
ADL Activities of Daily Living
ad lib as desired
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AKA Above the knee amputation
AM morning
AMB or amb ambulate or ambulatory
amt amount
ap or Ap Apical
bid twice a day
BE Barium Enema (x-ray)
BKA Below the knee amputation
BM or bm bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BRP bathroom privliges
c with
C Centigrade or Celsius
Ca or CA cancer
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
cal calories
Cath catheter
CBC Complete blood count
CBR complete bed rest
CDC Centers for disease control and prevention
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant
C/O or c/o Complains of
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CNS Central Nervous System
CS Central service or Central supply
DOA Dead on Arrival
DOE dyspnea or exertion
DON Director of Nursing
drsg dressing
Dx diagnosis
ECG or EKG electrocardiogram
EEG electroencephalogram
EENT eyes, ears, nose and throat
ER emergency room
F Fahrenheit
FBS fasting blood sugar
Fl or fld fluid
Fx fracture
FUO fever of unknown origin
gal gallon
GB gallbladder
GI gastrointestinal
GU genitourinary
h or hr hour
H2O water
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
ht height
Hx history
ICU Intensive care unit
I & O Intake and Output
IV Intravenous
L left or liter
Lab Laboratory
lb pound
liq liquid
LLQ left lower quadrant
LOC level of consciousness
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
lt left
LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
LUQ left uppper quadrant
meds medications
mid noc midnight
min minute
ml milliliter
NA Nursing Assistant
neg negative
noc night
NPO or npo nothing by mouth
O2 oxygen
OB obstetrics
OOB out of bed
OR operating room
os mouth
OT Occupational Therapy
oz or OZ ounce
PC or p.c. after meals
PCA patient controlled analgesia
Peds pediatrics
per by or through
PM after noon
PO or po by mouth or orally
postop or post op post operative
preop or pre op pre operative
prep preparation
prn when necessary
Pt or pt patient
PT physical therapy
q every
qh every hour
q2h, q3h, .... every 2 hours, every 3 hours, ...
qid four times a day
R Rectal temperature, or respiration or right
RBC red blood cell or red blood count
RLQ right lower quadrant
R/O rule out
RN registered nurse
ROM range of motion
RR recovery room
rt right
RUQ right upper quadrant
s without
SNF skilled nursing facility
SOB shortness of breath
Spec or spec specimen
SSE soap suds enema
stat at once or immediately
tbsp tablespoon
tid three times a day
TLC tender loving care
TPR temperature, pulse, and respirations
tsp teaspoon
U/a or U/A or u/a urinalysis
UTI urinary tract infection
VS or vs vital signs
WBC white blood cell or white blood count
w/c wheel chair
wt weight
Created by: Drk360
Popular Nursing sets




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