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CNA Quiz 6


A harmful germ or microorganism that causes disease is: a pathogen
If an object contains dirt or disease-causing germs, it is: contaminated
To remove disease-causing germs is to: disinfect
The organism that causes AIDS is the: Human immunodeficiency virus
A sturdy box with a tight-fitting lid that cannot be punctured by sharp objects is known as a: sharps container
Germs that are spread by breathing, coughing, or sneezing, are called: airborne germs
The two most common types of contact by which germs are spread are: direct and indirect
When you take dirty linens to the laundry hamper, you should: hold them away from your uniform
What is the most important thing you can do to control the spread of germs? wash your hands
You should practice universal precautions: when you provide care for any person
What is one time when you must wear latex gloves? when you touch blood or other body fluids
If you have a cut or open sore on your hand, what must you do to protect yourself from infection? wear gloves while provding care
Which of the following is a reason to place someone in isolation? the person has many infected dressings
Four items of protective equipment that you may wear when practicing universal precautions and isolation procedures are: gowns, masks, eyewear, and gloves
Which is NOT true about the spread of germs? germs can be brushed off linens and clothing
Which statement about roomates is true? roommates should be cared for as individuals and not as a couple
Which is NOT a sign of infection? keeping the person clean
When should universal precautions be used? when providing care for each person
If a gown or apron does not get soiled when caring for a person: it should be disposed of.
Which is NOT a universal precaution? wear gloves if the person looks infected
Which of the following statements about infection control is TRUE? germs grow best is a moist, warm environment
A condition in which the force of the pulse is very weak is called: thready pulse
When referring to the lower portion of the large intestine, just inside the anal opening, the area is called: rectum
The condition of having a blue or gray color of the skin, due to lack of oxygen in the blood, is called: cyanosis
An instrument used to measure blood pressure is called: sphygomomanometer
When you examine by touching or feeling, it is called: palpitation
Temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure usually are taken together and are referred to as: vital signs
Two times when you always measure a person's vital signs are: when the person is admitted to a health care facility and when you observe a change in the person's normal conditions
The normal range for an adult's oral temperature is: 97.6 F to 99.6 F
An elevation of body temperature is called: a fever
An irregular pulse describe the: rhythm
The pulse located on the inside bend of the elbow is the: brachial
The instrument used to listen to heart sounds when taking blood pressure or an apical pulse is called a: stethoscope
When counting the pulse on another person, never use your: thumb
Difficulty with breathing is called: dyspnea
When you count the number of times a person breathes per minute, you are counting her: respirations
Which of the following is true about taking and recording vital signs? never leave a person alone when taking a rectal temperature
The act of breathing in and out; inhaling and exhaling is: respiration
Which temperature should you report immediately? a rectal temperature of 101.6 F
A person's blood pressure is measured four times a day, where should the information be recorded? graphic sheet
When you provide care, you must respect each person's need to maintain his own: personal needs, self-image, and independence
When providing mouth care for an unconscious person, it is important to: turn the person on his side so that he does not aspirate
When assisting a woman with perineal cre, always use a clean part of the washcloth for each stroke and wipe from: front to back
Use a bath blanket when giving a person a complete bed bath to keep him from getting chilled and to show respect for the person's privacy and dignity
When you finish using a disposable safety razor to shave someone: do not recap the razor. Put it in the person's drawer
The person you provide care for has a weak right arm. To help him put on a shirt, you first put: the weak arm in the shirt
When you shampoo a person's hair: report redness of the scalp and any sores
Which therapeutic diet does not provide enough nutrients to maintain good nutrition: full liquid
The smallest part of any diet should be: fat
When a person has difficulty swallowing, it is easier for him to swallow _______ than liquids: soft food
If a person in your care is fed through a nasogastric tube, you should: keep the head of the bed elevated for 30 minutes following a tube feeding
Which of these symptoms is NOT a sign of dehydration? frequent urination
Meal time should be as pleasant as possible. Which of the following should a nurse assistant do when serving meals to residents? serve trays promptly after they arrive from the kitchen
How does normal aging affect food needs and eating habits: a person will need fewer calories because they are less active.
Which of the following is a symptom of dehydration? confusion
On a clear liquied diet, a person would not be allowed: cornbread
A person is NPO, you should: remove water pitcher and glass
Fluid intake and the amount of fluid lost from the body should: be about equal in amount
Proper nutrition means eating a wide variety of foods and choosing those that are: low in fat, salt, and sugar
If someone in your care is losing a lot of fluid by perspiring heavily, vomiting, or has diarrhea, he or she may become ____________ very quickly: dehydrated
One way to dilute the urine and keep stool soft is to: drink fluids
Incontinence is: the inability to control the passage of urine of feces
A portable commode is: a chair with a toilet seat and a container to collect waste
Burning or urination, frequent but scanty urination, cloudy or dark-colored urine, or milky mucus threads in the urine are signs of urinary: tract infection
When a person in your care has a urinary catheter, prevent infection by providing frequent: perineal care
The condition in which a part of the body shrinks or wastes away because of poor nutrition of disuse is known as: atrophy
Using a simple statement to help someone remember is an example of: prompting
If a person is unable to move, he or she is: immobile
The medical term for walking is: ambulation
If a person does not move his joints regularly, the joints may become permanently bent. This condition is known as: contracture
To help people become as fully functional as possible and to help them be able to enjoy life, you provide: restorative care
A condition in which the bones become weak and fragile is: arthritis
The form of diabetes called maturity onset, insulin-independent diabetes, is also know as: type I diabetes
All the following disease can be found in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, except for: sickle cell anemia
Created by: Drk360
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