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Prophase - long strands of DNA condense to distinct chromosomes, each with two chromatids that are exact copes of each other - the nuclear membrane disappears
Telophase new nuclear membranes form
Metaphase chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
Anaphase - chromatids of each chromosome split into two separate chromosomes - separated chromosomes pull to the opposite ends of the cell
Cytokinesis - cell pinches and divides - is the division of the parent cell's cytoplasm
animal cell the cell membrane pinches; membrane forms around each cell
plant cell a cell plate forms where the cell wall will divide the two cells
DNA a chemical that contains information for an organism's growth and functions
Chromosomes compacted DNA
Cetromere holds together chromatids
Chromatids a duplicated chromosome consists of two
cell cycle the normal sequence of development and division of a cell
Interphase the part of the cell cycle during which a cell is not dividing
Mitosis the part of the cell cycle during which the nucleus divides
Asexual Reproduction - one organism produces one or more new organisms that are identical to itself and that live independently of it - one parent organism, rate of reproduction is rapid, offspring identical to parent
Binary Fission occurs when the parent organism splits in two, producing two completely independent daughter cells
budding a process in which an organism develops tiny buds on its body
regeneration the process of new tissue growth at sites of a lost limb
Sexual Reproduction two parent organisms, rate of reproduction is slower than rate for asexual reproduction, offspring have genetic information from two parents
a plant cutting is genetically identical
a new plant from seed is genetically similar
a cell produces two genetically identical daughter cells when it undergoes mitosis
most multi cellular organisms grow and develop because their cells continue to divide
Which of the following correctly sequences the steps in the cell cycle? interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis
cells prepare for cell division during interphase by duplicating their DNA
After mitosis, the number of chromosomes in a daughter cell is the same as the number in the parent cell
Asexual reproduction in most organisms involves mitosis by one parent
A leaf breaks off a plant. Someone puts the stem of the leaf into water. Roots eventually grow from the stem. This is an example of rengeneration
characteristic of asexual reproduction it can result in large numbers of offspring
as you become an adult, the cells in your body keep dividing
How do cells share genetic material? they divide
- the cell cycle beings with - A cell grows and carries out life functions in interphase
How does a cell prepare for mitosis? it makes exact copies of its DNA
A cell grows and carries out life functions in a cell plate grows between the two new nuclei
The offspring produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to their parents
The cell cycle ends with cytokinesis
What are the smallest units able to perform the basic activities of life? cell
New cells form as the result of a division of existing cells
All of the cells in your hand have one complete copy of DNA
all cells come from cells
DNA must be duplicated before mitosis so that each daughter cell gets a complete copy of DNA
the steps of mitosis prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
During interphase, the DNA in chromatin is duplicated
When a cell prepares to divide, its genetic information condenses from a mass of loose strands into tightly wound structures called Chromosomes
An organism that produces other organisms is called a parent
organisms produced through mitosis are exact copies of the parent
Created by: dakymc
Popular Science sets




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