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Study Guide: 1

Infection Control.

When should you wash your hands? Before and after every patient contact.
What can happen to your gloves that requires you to wash your hands? They can get torn or punctured.
What part of your body should be kept short? Fingernails. If NOT kept short take good care of them especially when washing.
What can fingernails harbor? HARMFUL bacteria.
What should be pointed down when washing your hands? Your fingertips.
What is the FIRST step in the process of washing your hands? Assembling all of your equipment.
What should you do to avoid your uniform getting dirty? You should stand back from the sink.
What should you avoiding touching when washing your hands? The inside of the sink, act as if it is contaminated.
What should you remove when washing your hands? Rings.
What should you push up past your wrist while washing your hands? Watches/Bracelets.
What is the SECOND step in the process of washing your hands? Grab a paper towel and turn on the faucet using the paper towel. Then regulate the temperature, adjusting the temperature if needed. (Water should be WARM not HOT, as this would burn your skin. Lastly throw away the paper towel.
What is the THIRD step in the process of washing your hands? With your fingertips pointing DOWN wet your hands.
What is the FOURTH step in the process of washing your hands? Use soap to get a lather on your hands.
What is the FITH step in the process of washing your hands? Put palms together and rub vigorously for AT LEAST 15 seconds.
What is the SIXTH step in the process of washing your hands? Put the palm of one hand on the back of the other hand and rub together in a circular motion at least SEVERAL times. Then alternate hands.
What is the SEVENTH step in the process of washing your hands? Interlace both hands and rub back and forth for at LEAST 15 seconds. (Make sure you really get in between your fingers).
What is the EIGHTH step in the process of washing your hands? Encircle your wrists with the palm of your hand. Use a circular motion to clean the front, back and sides of your wrist. Then repeat for opposite wrist.
What is the NINTH step in the process of washing your hands? Make sure you wash underneath your nails and if possible use a tool (cuticle stick) to ensure cleanliness.
What is the TENTH step in the process of washing your? Rinse hands under the WARM water, making sure you fingertips are pointed DOWNWARD.
What is the ELEVENTH step in the process of washing your hands? Grab a paper towel and dry your hands.
What does it mean when something is Fenestrated? That an opening is created either naturally or surgically.
What is a Microorganism (Microbe)? It is a small, living organism that is not visible to the naked human eye.
Where are Microorganisms found? They are found everywhere in the environment, including on the human body.
What do Pathogens (germs) do? They cause infection and disease.
At times, Microorganisms can what? Be beneficial to one body system and pathogenic in another body system.
Bacterium Escherichia (E Coli) is part of the natural flora in what part of the body? The large intestine. If E Coli enters the urinary system, it will cause an infection.
Non-pathogens are microorganisms that are part of the normal flora and are beneficial in maintaining certain body ____. Processes.
In order for Microorganisms to grow and reproduce they need FOUR major things. What are they? 1. Warm Environment (98.6 F) is ideal. 2. Darkness (Many are killed by sunlight). 3. Food. 4. Moisture.
Aerobic Organisms require ___ to live. Oxygen.
Anaerobic Organisms live and reproduce in the _____ __ _____. Absence of oxygen.
Bacteria are what? Simple, one celled organisms.
Bacteria multiply very rapidly. They can double every _____ minutes. 30.
Bacteria are classified by what? Shape and arrangement.
Cocci are round and ____ shaped. Spherical.
Diplococci are...? Found in pairs. (Ex: gonorrhea, meningitis, pneumonia)
Streptococci are found in ____? Chains. (Ex: strep throat or rheumatic fever)
Streptococcus pyogenes / Strep A is a ____ eating strep, causes necrotizing fasciitis resulting in amputation or death. Flesh.
Staphylococcus is...? Cocci in groups, are very common and are pus producing microorganisms.
Staphylococcus cause infections like boils, UTIs, wound infections plus ____ _____. Toxic Shock.
Bacilli are ____ shaped bacteria that can occur singularly, in pairs or in chains. Rod.
Many bacilli have what? Flagella (tail like structures)
Bacilli have the ability to form ____: where conditions for growth are not favorable. Spores.
In spore form bacteria is very difficult to what? Kill.
Diseases from bacilli include: Tuberculosis, Tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), diphtheria and ____. Typhoid.
Spirilla are bacteria that are _______? Spiraled or corkscrew in shape.
Diseases from Spirilla include: Syphilis and ___ Cholera.
Antibiotics kill bacteria, however due to the _____ and _____ of antibiotics, some strains of bacteria have become _______ _______ Overuse. Misuse. Antibiotic resistant.
If bacteria is resistant to multi-antibiotic treatment it is known as? Multi drug resistant or a Super Bug.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureas is also known as what? MRSA.
What is MRSA? It is a bacteria that causes a severe staph infection that is resistant to many antibiotics.
Protozoa is a _____ celled animal-like organisms. One.
Where are Protozoa found? In decayed materials, such as animal or bird feces, insect bites and contaminated water.
Protozoa contains _____ just like a bacilli allowing them “to swim” Flagella.
Diseases from Protozoa include diseases like Malaria and ______ Dysentery.
What is TWELFTH step in the process of washing your hands? Use another dry paper towel to turn off the faucet.
What is the THIRTEENTH step in the process of washing your hands? Discard all the towels in the waste bin/container. Leave the area neat and clean.
What is the LAST (OPTIONAL) step in the process of washing your hands? Apply a water-based hand lotion if desired.
What is the FIRST step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Assembling equipment.
The SECOND step in the process of properly putting on PPE is? Washing your hands.
The THIRD step in the process of properly putting on PPE is: Remove _____ and place them in your pocket or pin the to your ______. rings. uniform.
The FOURTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE is: ______ your watch and place it in a small ______ ______ or centered on a clean ______ towel. If placed on a _____, handle on the bottom part of the towel; do not touch the top. Remove. plastic bag. paper. towel
What will be taken into the room and placed on the bedside stand for taking vital sings? Your watch.
The FIFTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE: Put on the _____. Secure it under your chin. Make sure to cover your mouth and nose. Handle the mask as ____ as possible. Tie the mask securely behind your head and neck. mask. little.
What ties do you tie first? The top ties.
What ties do you tie second? The bottom ties.
The tie bands on the mask are considered ____. The mask is considered _____. clean. contaminated.
The mask is considered contaminated when? After 30 minutes of isolation and anytime it gets wet.
What is the SIXTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Roll up your uniform sleeves above the elbow if they are long.
When should you roll up your uniform sleeves? Before you put on the gown.
The SEVENTH step in the process of properly putting on your PPE: Lift the ____ by placing your hands inside the _____. gown. shoulders.
What two parts of the gown are considered clean? The inside of the gown and the ties at the neck.
Most agencies use _____ gowns that are discarded after use. disposable.
The EIGHTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE: Work your arms into the sleeves of the gown by ______ _________. Take care NOT to touch your _______ with the sleeves of the gown. gently twisting. face.
The NINTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE: Place your hands _____ the neckband, adjust until it is in position, and ten tie the bands at the ____ of your neck. inside. back
The TENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE: Reach back and fold the edges of the gown over so that the _______ is completely covered. Tie the waistbands. Some waistbands are long enough to wrap around your ______ before tying. uniform. body
The ELEVENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE: If ______ are to be worn, put them on. Make sure that the ______ of the glove comes over the top of the cuff of the ______. gloves. cuff. gown.
What does the ELEVENTH step do? It makes it so that there are no open areas for entrance of organisms.
The TWELFTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE: You are now ready to ____ the isolation room. ____-_____ to be sure you have all equipment and supplies that you will ____ for patient care before you enter the room. enter. Double check. need.
The THIRTEENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE: When patient care is complete, you are ready to ____ isolation garments. In a ____-room isolation unit, go to the outer room. In a ___-room unit, remove garments while standing near the door. remove.
What should you avoid touching when removing isolation garments in a one-room unit? Contaminated articles in the room.
What is the FOURTEENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Untie the waist ties and loosen the gown at the waist.
What is IMPORTANT to note about step FOURTEEN? The waist ties ARE considered contaminated.
FIFTEENTH step of putting on PPE: If __ are worn remove the 1st glove by __ the __ of the cuff with the __ gloved hand. Pull the __ over the hand so the glove is __ __. Remove the __ glove by __ the bare hand __ the cuff. Pull the glove off so it is __ __ gloves. grasping. outside. opposite. glove. inside out. 2nd. placing. inside. inside out.
Where do you put the contaminated gloves from the FIFTEENTH step? In an infectious waste container.
What is the SIXTEENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Properly wash your hands.
Organisms can travel rapidly through what? Wet towels.
The SEVENTEENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE is: Untie the ____ ties of the mask first followed by the ___ ties. Holding the mask by the top ties ____, drop it into the infectious waste container. bottom. top. only.
What are the ties of the mask considered in step SEVENTEEN? They are considered clean. DO NOT touch any other part of the mask, it is considered contaminated.
What is the EIGHTEENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Untie the neck ties. Loosen the gown at the shoulders, handling only the inside of the gown.
The neck ties in step EIGHTEEN are considered what? Clean.
The NINETEENTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE?: Slip the ____ of one hand inside the opposite ___. DO ____ touch the outside. Pull the sleeve ___ over the hand. fingers. cuff. NOT. down.
The outside of the gown is considered what in step NINETEEN? Contaminated.
What is step TWENTY in the process of properly putting on PPE? Use the gown-covered hand and pull the sleeve down over the opposite hand.
The TWENTY-FIRST step in the process of properly putting on PPE: Ease your arms and hands out of the ____. Keep the gown in ____ of your body and keep your hands ___ from the ____ of the gown. Use as ____ a motion as possible. gown. front. away. outside. gentle.
In the TWENTY-FIRST step you should avoid doing what, as it can spread organisms? Excessively flapping.
TWENTY-SECOND step of putting on PPE: With your hands __ the gown at the shoulders, bring the shoulders __ and turn the gown so that it is __ out. In this manner, the __ of the __ gown is on the __. Fold the gown in half and then roll it together. inside. together. inside. outside. contaminated. inside.
In the TWENTY-SECOND step, where should the contaminated gown be placed? In an infectious waste container.
What is the TWENTY-THIRD step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Properly wash your hands.
TWENTY-FOURTH step of putting on PPE: Touch only the __ of the __ bag to remove your __. Discard the bag in the waste __. If the watch is on the paper towel, handle only the "__" top portion. Discard the towel in the infectious waste container. inside. plastic. watch. container. clean.
What is the TWENTY-FIFTH step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Use a clean paper towel to open the door, Then discard the towel in the waste container before leaving the room.
The inside of the door is considered what in step TWENTY-FIVE? Contaminated.
In step TWENTY-FIVE where should the waste container be positioned? Just inside the door of the room.
What is the TWENTY-SIXTH (FINAL) step in the process of properly putting on PPE? Properly wash your hands.
What does step TWENTY-SIX prevent? The spread of disease, it also helps protect you from illness.
What are fungi? Fungi are plantlike organisms that live on dead organic matter.
___ and ____ are two common forms of fungi that can be ____. Yeast. molds. pathogenic
What are four examples of diseases caused by fungi? Ringworms. Athlete’s foot. Yeast vaginitis. Thrush.
Rickettsiae are ____ microorganisms which means they cannot live ____ the cells of another ___ organism. parasitic. outside. living.
Where are Rickettsia found? They are commonly found in fleas, lice, ticks and mites.
Rickettsea cause: Typhus and _____. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
The antiobiotic ____ works by keeping a bacterium from ______ a cell wall. penicillin. building.
Where are the differences in a human cell and a bacteria cell? The difference is in the structure of their cell membranes and the machinery they use in to build proteins or copy DNA.
What do some antibiotics do to just the membrane of bacteria cell? They dissolve it.
What does hydrophobic mean? It is resistant to or avoids water.
What is a cell wall made out of? Proteins.
Viruses are the ____ microorganisms, visible only by a electron microscope. smallest.
Viruses can not reproduce unless they are inside of what? Another living cell.
Viruses are spread from ____ to human by blood or body secretions. human.
Viruses are difficult to kill because of what two main things? They are resistant to many disinfectants. They are NOT affected by antibiotics.
New and different viruses emerge constantly because viruses are prone to ____ and changing _____ information. mutating. genetic.
What are EIGHT different types of viruses? The common cold, measles, mumps, chicken pox, herpes, warts, influenza and polio.
What is SARS? It is a disease that is caused by a variation of the coronavirus family that causes the common cold.
What is the main symptom of SARS? Flu like symptoms that can lead to respiratory failure and death.
What does SARS stand for? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
West Nile Virus is a ____ flavirus that first infected ___ but now infects humans. In some individuals who are ___ or have poor ____ systems, it can cause severe ___ illnesses such as ______ or meningitis. mosquito-borne. birds. older. immune. neurological. encephalitis.
Ebola: A member of the ___, first affected ___ and then spread to ____. These viruses cause ____ fever, a disease that begins with: Fever, ___, Headache, ___ (muscle pain), ____ Skin rash then...., ___, pancreatitis, __, massive hemorrhaging, __ and death filoviruses. primates. humans. hemorrhagic. chills. myalgia. Jaundice. liver failure. shock.
What is Hepatitis B (Serum Hepatitis) causes by? It is caused by the HBV virus and is transmitted by blood, serum, and other body secretions.
What part of the body does Hepatitis B affect? It affects the liver and can lead to the destruction and scarring of liver cells.
Hepatitis B has what developed to help protect individuals from this disease? A vaccine.
What is a downfall about the Hepatitis B vaccine? It is very expensive and involves a series of three injections.
Under law the employer ____ provide the Hepatitis B vaccination at ___ cost to the health care worker. MUST. NOT
An individual has the right to ____ the Hepatitis B vaccine but must do so in ___. refuse. writing.
If you have had the chicken pox’s what are are you prone too? Shingles.
What is hypovolemic shock? It is a severe condition in which you lose more than 20% of your body’s blood or fluid supply.
What is cardiogenic shock? It is a severe condition in which the heart suddenly can not pump enough blood for you body.
What is neurogenic shock? It is a severe condition in which there is a disturbance in the sympathetic flow of your nervous system.
What is it called when you are in TWO or MORE types of shock? Septic shock.
Hepatitis B is considered a what? Sexually transmitted disease.
Hepatitis C: Caused by the hepatitis C virus and is _____ by blood and blood ____ bodily fluids. transmitted. containing.
Many people who contract Hepatitis C are _____ (displays no symptoms) or have mild symptoms displayed as ____ or flu. asymptomatic. influenza.
What will Hepatitis C cause? Severe liver damage.
There is no vaccine for Hep C but there is.....? Medication.
The Hepatitis C virus is considered “___” if the virus is not detected in your ___ when measured with a blood test _ months after ____ is completed. This is called a sustained __ response (SVR) and data suggest that you will stay virus free indefinite cured. blood. 3. treatment. virological.
Acquired Immune Deficiency (AIDS) is caused by the ___ Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and suppresses the ____ _____ Human. immune. system.
Individuals with AIDS cannot fight off what two things that would not affect a healthy person? cancer. infection.
There currently is __ cure for HIV, although _____ treatment can _____ it. no. antiretroviral. control.
Most research is towards a ‘functional cure’ where HIV is ___ to undetectable and ____ levels permanently, but some ___ ___ may still be present in the body. reduced. harmless. residual. virus.
Some research is looking for a ‘____ _____’ where all HIV virus is ____ from the body, but this is more ____ and risky. stressing cure. eradicated. complex.
Trials of HIV are ___, but even once developed will only offer partial ____. encouraging. protection.
What does Endogenous mean? The infection or disease originated WITHIN the body.
What are some examples of Endogenous infections or diseases? metabolic disorder. congenital abnormalities. tumors and infections caused by microorganisms within the body.
What does Exogenous mean? The infection or disease originates OUTSIDE the body.
What are some examples of Exogenous infections or diseases? pathogenic organisms. radiation. chemical agents. trauma. electrical shock and temperature extremes.
What does Nosocomial mean? The infection is acquired by an individual in a health care facility.
How are nosocomial infections usually spread? By the health care worker to the patient.
Many nosocomial infections are what? Bacterial infections that are antibiotic resistant.
What does Opportunistic mean? Infections occur when the boy’s defenses are weak.
What is an example of a opportunistic infection or disease? Someone with HIV getting pneumonia.
What does HIV lead too? AIDS.
AIDS get rid of your what? CD4 cells/ T cells.
The FIRST link in the Chain of Infection is the ____ Agent: A _____, such as bacterium or _____ that can cause disease. Causative. pathogen. virus.
The SECOND link in the Chain of Infection is the ____: An area where the causative agent can ___; some common reservoirs include the human body, animals, the environment and fomite. Reservoir. live.
What is fomite(s)? Objects or materials that are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, furniture, linens, doorknobs, bed pans, etc.
The THRID link in the Chain of Infection is the Portal of __: a way for the causative agent to __ from the reservoir in where it has been ___. In the human __ pathogens can leave the body through urine, feces, saliva, blood, tears, ___ discharge, etc. Exit. escape. growing. body. mucous.
The FOURTH link the Chain of Infection is the: Mode of ___: a way that the ____ agent can be ___ to another reservoir or host where it can ___. Transmission. causative. transmitted. live.
What is Direct Contact? A person to person contact.
Indirect Contact: when a ___ is transmitted from contaminated ____ such as food, __, feces and clothing. An example of this is spreading the pathogens on the ____, or breathing in ___ carrying airborne ____. pathogen. substances. air. hands. droplets. infections.
The FITH link in the Chain of Infection is the Portal of Entry: a way for the infectious ___ to ___ a new reservoir or ___. Some ways of entry include: breaks in the ___, breaks in the mucous membranes, ____ tract, digestive ___, etc. agent. enter. host. skin. respiratory. tract.
Mucous Membranes line what tracts to trap pathogens? respiratory. digestive. reproductive.
What is cilla? Tiny hair like structures that line the respiratory tract and propels pathogens out of the system.
Hydrochloric Acid destroys what? Pathogens in the stomach.
Tears contain what? Bactericidal Chemicals (bacteria killing).
The SIXTH link in the Chain of Infection is a Susceptible Host: A person likely to get an ____ or disease, usually because body ____ are ___. infection. defenses. weak.
Why should health care workers be constantly aware of the parts in the Chain of Infection? If any parts of the Chain is eliminated the spread of disease or infection will be STOPPED!
What is the definition of Asepsis? The absence of disease-producing microorganisms, or pathogens.
Antiseptic: ____ or inhibits growth of pathogenic organisms but are NOT effective against ____ and viruses . Prevents. spores.
What is an example of an antiseptic? Rubbing alcohol.
Disinfection: this is a process that ___ or kills pathogenic organisms. It is NOT always effective against spores and ____. Can irritate and damage ____. destroys. viruses. skin.
What are some examples of disinfectants? Clorox wipes or bleach.
Sterilization: This is the process that destroys __ microorganisms, both pathogenic and _______, including spores and viruses. all. nonpathogenic.
What are some examples of Sterilization? steam under pressure. gas. radiation. autoclave.
What is Bio-Terrorism? The use of microorganisms or biological agents, as weapons to infect humans, animals or plants.
The 6 __ of the “ideal” bioterrorism microorganisms include: Inexpensive and readily available or easy to __. Spread through the air by __ or __ systems. Survives ___, drying and __. Causes __ or severe disability. Easily __ from __ to __. Difficult t characteristics. produce. winds. ventilation. sunlight. heat. death. transmitted. person. person. prevent.
What is smallpox? A highly contagious infectious disease that is caused by a Variola Virus.
Who identifies and classifies major bioterrorism agents? The CDC (Center of Disease Control).
Since 2001 there is enough of what for every US citizen? Smallpox Vaccination.
Anthrax is an ____ disease causes by spores of bacteria called _____ anthracis. The spores are highly ____ to destruction and can live in ___ for years. infectious. bacillus. resistant. soil.
Stream is produced around what temperature? 270 degrees Fahrenheit.
Plague: an ___ disease that is caused by bacteria called ___ _____. Plague is transmitted by the bites of infected ___. In some cases, the organisms enters the body through a break in the ____. infectious. Yersinia. Pestis. fleas. skin
What is a bubonic plague? Transmission through contact with the tissue of an infected animal.
What FOUR animals are the most common sources for the plague in the US? Rats. squirrels. prairie dogs and chipmunks.
If the disease is NOT treated ____ with antibiotics, the infection spreads to the blood ( ____ Plague) and lungs (____ Plague), and caused death. There is no ___ for plague. immediately. Septicemic. Pneumonic. vaccine.
What do fevers do? The high temperatures KILL some pathogens.
What does coughing/sneezing do? It expels pathogens out of the body.
What does inflammation do? Leukocytes/(WBC) destroy pathogens.
What do immune responses do? Produces antibodies, which are protective proteins that combat pathogens.
Many other pathogenic _____ can be used in a ____ attack. In fact, any pathogenic organism could be ___ in a bioterrorism attack. For this reason, ___ care workers must be constantly ___ to the threat of ___ with a biologic agent. microorganisms. bioterrorism. used. health. alert. infection.
What is Botulism? It is a paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin.
What is Tularemia? It is an infectious disease caused by bacterial transmission from infected animals.
_______ disease: is caused by a pathogenic organism that can be ___ ______ to others. Communicable. easily. transmitted.
Epidemic: _____ when the ____ disease spreads ____ from person to ___ and effects a ___ number of ____ at the same time. communicable. rapidly. person. large. people.
Pandemic: exists when the outbreak of disease occurs over a ____ ______ area and affects a ____ proportion of the _____. Because individuals can ____ readily throughout the world, a major ______ is that the world wide ____ will become more and more ____. wide. geographical. high. population. travel. concern. pandemics. frequent.
Contaminated: or ___ means; that ___ contain disease producing ____. These object must not be touched, unless the health worker is ___ by _____, mask, gown and other ____ items. dirty. objects. organisms. protected. gloves. required.
Clean: means that ___ or parts of the objects do ___ contain disease ___ organisms and ____ have minimal chance of ____ the disease. objects. NOT. producing. therefore. spreading.
Airborne precautions: are used for ___ known or suspected to be ___ with pathogens transmitted by ____ droplet ___. These are small particles of evaporated ___ that can contain _____ and remain suspended in the air or on ___ particles. patients. infected. airborne. nuclei. droplets. microorganisms. dust.
Examples of pathogens transmitted by airborne droplets: rubella (____), chickenpox. ______ and shingles. measles. tuberculosis.
Airborne Precautions: The ___ must be placed in a ___ room and the door should be kept ____. patient. private. closed.
Airborne Precautions: Air in the ___ must be ___ to outdoor air or filtered before being ____ to other _____. room. discharged. circulated. areas.
Airborne Precautions: Each person who enters the room must wear ____ protection in the form of an ____, ____ or more powerful ____ mask. N95. P100. filtering.
Airborne Precautions: People susceptible to _____ or chicken pox should ____ enter the room. measles. NOT.
Airborne Precautions: If ____ must be moved the ____ must wear the ____ filtered mask. patient. patient. appropriate.
Droplet Precautions: Used for a patient known or suspected to be infected with ____ transmitted by large ____ droplets ____ during coughing, ____ talking or laughing. pathogen. particle. expelled. sneezing.
Droplet Precautions Examples: _____, pneumonia, pertussis, ___ and meningitis. influenza. mumps.
Droplet Precautions: Patients must be placed in a ___ room. The patient may ___ be placed in a room with a person with the same ____. A distance of at least __ feet between patient and ____. private. not. affliction. 3. other.
Droplet Precautions: ___ should be worn 3 ___ from the ____. Masks. feet. patient.
Droplet Precautions: When ____ the patient they ___ wear a mask. transporting. MUST.
Contact Precautions: must be followed for any patients known or ___ to be infected with _____ (cable of spreading a disease from person to person) microorganism that can be ___ by either ___ or indirect ____. suspected. epidemiological. transmitted. direct. contact.
Contact Precautions Examples: gastrointestinal, ____, skin, or ____ infections caused by multi drug _____ organisms; diapered or _____ patients with E-coli, hep A and _____. respiratory. wound. resistant. incontinent. conjunctivitis.
Contact Precautions: The patient should be placed in a ____ room or, if a private room is not ____, in a room with a patient who has an active ___ caused by the same ____. private. available. infection. organism.
Contact Precautions: Gloves ____ be worn! MUST.
Contact Precautions: Gloves must be ___ after having contact with any __ that may contain high ____ of the _____ -wound drain. worn. material. concentrations. microorganism.
Contact Precautions: Gloves must be removed ____ leaving the room and hands __ be washed! BEFORE. must.
Contact Precautions: Gowns must be worn if a chance of _____ coming in contact with _____ materials. Gown must be ___ while in the room. garments. contaminated. removed.
Contact Precautions: The room and items in the room must be ___ and or ____ as needed. cleaned. disinfected.
Contact Precautions: If ___ patient care ___ must be left in the room. possible. equipment.
A heart rate under 60 bpm in adults is called? Bradycardia.
A hear rate over 100 bpm in adults is called? Tachycardia.
A regular pulse should sound like a what? Metronome.
A strong pulse is what? Easy to find.
An irregular pulse is both what? Irregular and regular at the time. (Sounds likes: l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll)
An irregularly irregular pulse is both what? Irregular and pattern-less. (Sounds like: l ll ll llll l ll llll lll l lll lll lll lll lllllll ll llll llllllllll lll lllll lll)
Carotid= ____mm/Hg ____= 80mm/Hg Radial= ___mm/Hg 60. Femoral. 90.
Sepsis breaks down what? Vessels.
The average blood pressure is 120/80mm/Hg. The 120 represents _____ and the 80 represents ____. Systolic. Diastolic.
Systolic is what? Pressure on the walls of the heart ventricles.
Diastolic is what? Relaxation of heart ventricles.
The Brachial pulse is found on what part of the body? The forearm.
The Radial pulse is found on what part of the body? The inside of your wrist.
The Abdominal pulse is found on what part of the body? Your bellybutton.
The Femoral pulse is found on what part(s) of the body? In between your groin and your hip.
The Popliteal is found on what part of the body? Back of your knee.
The Posterior Tibial pulse is found on what part of the body? Inner ankle.
The Dorsalis Pedis pulse is found on what part of the body? The top of the foot.
Created by: amtracy19
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