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Cells were found by this person when he was looking at cork under a microscope. Robert Hooke
The cell is the basic unit of structure and function of living things; all cells come from pre existing cells. Cell theory
They are the smallest unit of life that can carry out all of the activities necessary for life Cells
Has DNA, membrane-less ribosomes, a cell wall, cell membrane, flagella, and pili. Prokaryote cell
Has a nucleus, membrane-bound organelles, and cytoplasm with organelles. Eukaryote cells
Examples of prokaryotes Bacteria
Examples of eukaryotes Plants, animals, fungi, and protists
Are very small in size, each has specific functions, and can be found in the cytoplasm Organelle
Permeable; maintains homeostasis Cell membrane
Cell membrane are made up of Phospholipids, proteins, cholesterol, and carbs
Provides a medium for chemical reactions to take place Cytoplasm
Contains chromosomes, controls the normal activities of the cell Nucleus
Stores sugar, proteins, wastes, and pigments Vacuole
Transport system for proteins Rough ER
Transport system for lipids and carbs Smooth ER
Made of protein/RNA molecules, site of protein synthesis, not membrane bound. Ribosomes
Burns sugars to produce energy (ATP) Mitochondria
Receive and modify proteins made by the ER; transport vesicles Golgi body
Generate spindle fibers during cell division; only found in animal cells Centrioles
Contain enzymes that break down food, work out cell parts, or invaders, only found in ANIMAL cells Lysosomes
Made of cellulose, makes plant rigid and supports/protects the plant cell Cell wall
Traps sunlight to make sugar by photosynthesis, filled with pigments (like chlorophyll.) Chloroplast
Provides a binding site for enzymes, allows unicellular organisms to move, acts as a protective barrier and allows cell recognition Cell/Plasma Membrane
Contains 2 nonpolar fatty acid chains, make up the cell membrane Phospholipids
The phospholipid (head, tail) is polar/water loving. Head
The phospholipid (head, tail) is nonpolar/water fearing. Tail
Moves substances from HIGH to LOW concentration in a membrane, does not require energy Passive Transport
Moves substances from LOW to HIGH concentration in a membrane, requires energy Active Transport
A net movement of particles form an area of high to low concentration Diffusion
The diffusion of water molecules Osmosis
A carrier/channel protein that carries molecules across the membrane is called Facilitated diffusion
A substance that dissolved into another Solute
The more plentiful substance that dissolves the solute (often water) Solvent
The mixture of solutes and solvents Solution
How the concentrations of diluted in two solutions compare Tonicity
Less solute outside the cell Hypotonic
Same concentration of solute outside and inside the cell Isotonic
More solute outside the cell Hypertonic
Water moves to where there is... More solute
Pumps molecules across the membrane Transport proteins
Cells engulf particules Endocytosis
Waters are discharged out of a cell Exocytosis
Created by: Faith LaBry
Popular Biology sets




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