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8 Hist Ch 2 TEST Rvw

Magna Carta Document, signed by King John in 1215, gave certain basic rights to the English people and limited the power of the monarchs.
Virginia Company A joint-stock company that allowed others to invest by purchasing "shares of stock" at a certain price. This company had two groups the London and the Plymouth. The London financed the first successful colony at Jamestown.
Charter colonies When the king would give permission to establish a colonies he would sign a document that would provide the regulations for the location and how it would be settled.
Proprietary colonies The king had given permission to a particular person or group to establish a colonies. They would govern the colonies as they pleased.
Royal colonies These colonies fell under the direct supervision of the king.
Puritans Hoped to purify Anglican Church from the Catholic practices & ceremonies. Stressed that Christ was over the church. Believed the Bible is the Word of God, thus valued it as a source to educate. Had the most college-educated settlers than any other colony.
Separatists A group that felt there was no hope of "purifying" the Anglican Church. They worshiped on their own-away from the church.
Hardships of the early settlers the voyage over, having food and shelter, sickness, and the Indian raids
Plymouth Establish by Separatists, known as the Pilgrims, who arranged financial support from of English businessmen. They Mayflower took them to the new world destined near Jamestown, Virginia. They ended up at Plymouth, Massachusetts instead.
Mayflower Compact An agreement signed by the leaders of Plymouth colony. It became the first to provide rules for self-government in the new world.
William Bradford Second governor of the Pilgrims and established the celebration of thanksgiving after the surviving the first year at Plymouth.
Massachusetts Bay Company A company made up of 12 Puritan businessmen, who were given a charter from the king to settle near Massachusetts Bay. A charter colony which required everyone to attend church.
John Winthrop First governor of Massachusetts, a Puritan lawyer from England who helped to set up strict standards of moral conduct in this community. Wanted his colony to be a "city upon a hill".
Roger Williams Puritan pastor from Salem Mass, who believed that church and state should be separate, the Indians should be paid for their land, that they should leave the Anglican church all together like the Pilgrims. Later he would establish Providence, Rhode Island.
Name the Middle Colonies of New England New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware
Thomas Hooker A pastor from New Towne, Massachusetts who founded the town of Hartford, Connecticut.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut The document regarded as the first written constitution drawn up in America. This constitution laid out and gave the government authority only by the "free consent of the people". The orders did not make church membership a requirement for voting.
Name the Southern Colonies of New England Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Georgia
New Netherland The region that the Dutch claimed as New York. Claimed by Henry Hudson, settled by patroons, and governed by Peter Minuit.
John Carver The first governor of the Plymouth colony. He would be among those who died in the first winter at Plymouth.
Henry Hudson An English explorer that represented England and the Netherlands. He discovered the Hudson river and settled in the present site of Albany, New York.
Patroons Name of those who were given large grants of land promised in the Dutch colony if they were able to bring fifty settlers to the New World.
James, the Duke of York The brother of the English king, who took the capital of New Netherland peacefully from the Dutch. Received the land of the former Dutch colony of New Netherland from the King of Enland.
Peter Minuit The governor of Manhattan Island (New York) who purchase it from the Indians. He named it New Amsterdam. This became the capital of New Netherland.
Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley Friends of the Duke of York. They attracted settlers to New Jersey by offering cheap land, full religious liberty, and a measure of self-governmnet.
Quakers aka the "Society of Friends". They separated from the church of England & believed that all men as equal regardless of race, color or social status. They opposed war & refused to take oaths. They trusted that their "good works" would grant them salvation.
William Penn Wealthy Quaker who king owed a debt to his father. Was given a colony (1681) as payment of debt. Bought the land from the Indians. Wanted colony to be ruled by "brotherly love" & have laws that would grant religious freedom to all who believed in one God.
John Rolfe A settler of Jamestown, Virginia, he married Pocahontas. He encouraged cultivating tobacco and selling it as a cash crop in England.
Lord Baltimore King Charles I's friend who was given Maryland. This was a colony that would be established for Catholics would not be persecuted. He was aka George Calvert. He died before the settlement could begin, so his son Cecilius Calvert took the name and land.
Act of Toleration of 1649 A law that protected the Catholics from persecution in Maryland. It guaranteed religious freedom to all who believed in the Trinity.
Tobacco A major cash crop for the Carolina colonies.
Indigo A plant from which a popular blue dye could be made. This became the second cash crop of South Carolina.
Rice Cash crop in the Carolina colonies
Williamsburg, Virginia The second capital after fire destroyed Jamestown. It became a leading center of government and culture among the southern colonies.
James Oglethorpe A wealthy English general who founded a colony of settlers that owed debts in what is now Savannah, Georgia. These settlers would have a new home where they could repay their debts. Also, they would provide protection from the Spanish in Florida.
Most of its colonies were originally charter colonies New England Colonies
These colonies had original settlements by the Dutch and the Swedes. Middle Colonies
One of its colonies was founded for Roman Catholics Southern Colonies
Massachusetts Heavily populated during the "Great Migration"
Maryland Passed and Act of Toleration guaranteeing religious freedom.
Georgia had Savannah as its first settlement
Primary motive for the colonial settlement of New England Religious Freedom
Pilgrims Group of separatists that came to America in 1620
Modern Delaware First settled by the Swedes
Charter Colonies Formed by Joint-Stock Companies
Connecticut Colony Settled by people from Massachusetts Bay who wanted more land.
Created by: Mrs_CC
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