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Anatomy LL

Anatomy: Lower Limb

Dorsiflexion Deep Peroneal N
Plantar Flexion Tibial N (along w/ knee flexion)
Thigh adduction, medial rotation Obturator N
Eversion of foot Superficial Peroneal N
Inversion of foot Deep Peroneal, Tibial Nerves
Extension of knee Femoral N
Pelvis Stabilizer (during walking) AND thigh abduction Superior Gluteal N (glut medius, minimus, tensor fasciae latae)
Extension of hip (pull leg back) Inferior Gluteal N (glut maximus)
Sensation of Sole of foot Tibial N
Sensation of Dorsum of foot Superficial Peroneal N (Deep peroneal does wedge btwn big toe and second toe)
Sensation of medial leg and foot Saphenous N (femoral N)--> also does ant thigh
Trendelenburg gait = which nerve injury? which side? Superior Gluteal N, of raised side
Difficulty rising from sitting, climbing stairs. what nerve injured? Inferior Gluteal N (glut maximus)
Loss of sensation of medial thigh? Obturator N (accompanied w/ loss of adduction of thigh)
Sciatic N consists of which 2 nerves? Common peroneal, Tibial
Posterior Hip D/L injures which n? Sciatic N. (common peroneal, tibial) loss of knee flexion, loss of all function below knee
Tibial N injury only (as opposed to full Sciatic N) loss of flexion of knee (and toes), loss of plantar flexion, weak inversion, sensory loss on sole
Common peroneal N injury occurs @ which location? Neck of fibula. Most common damaged Nerve and site of LL.
what does Common peroneal N injury look like? Occurs at neck of fibula. Foot drop (loss of deep peroneal) Weak inversion (loss of deep p.) No eversion(loss of superf peroneal)
What artery involved in Avascular necrosis of femur head? Medial circumflex (branch of Femoral Art)
Classic triad knee injury of athlete (foot planted)? Medial collateral lig Medial meniscus ACL
Created by: jsad
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