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Env Science Test 1

SFHS- Hodge

What are resources that can be replaced relatively quickly by natural processes? renewable resources
List 5 renewable resources. fresh water, air, soil, trees, crops
Who were people who obtained their food by collecting plants, hunting wild animals or scavenging their remains while moving place to place to follow their food? hunter-gatherers
Describe 3 characteristics of the Agricultural Revolution. 1) people learned how to plant, harvest and store food 2)People domesticated livestock to help on the farm 3)People learned how to save the seeds of plants that has the traits that they wanted
What are 4 positive impacts of the Agricultural Revolution? 1)Allowed population to grow 2) increased pressure on local environments 3)increased the amount of available food 4)improved the health
What are negative impacts of the Agricultural Revolution? habitats were destroyed by farms/ causing soil loss/floods/overworked soil
Describe 2 characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. 1)Improved our quality of life 2) shifting from animal and human labor to machinery and fossil fuels
What are 3 positive impacts of the Industrial Revolution? 1) More goods were available & cheaper 2) Reduced the amount of land and human labor for farming 3)Motorized vehicles allowed food and other goods to be transported cheaply
What are negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution? noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution
______ countries have slow population growth. developed
______ countries have fast population growth. developing
What type of materials can be broken down through natural processes? biodegradeable
What type of materials cannot be broken down by natural processes? nonbiodegradeable
Give 3 examples of biodegradable materials. food, waste, sewage
Give 3 examples of nonbiodegradable materials. lead, mercury, plastics
What occurs when a large fraction of the resource has been used up? depletion of renewable resources
Give an example of depletion of renewable resources deforestation
How do man made substances affect the environment? throwing away plastics are polluting the oceans and killing ocean life
What is the tragedy of the commons? tragedy of the commons is if no one takes responsibility for a resource, the resource will be overused and become depleted
What is an example of the tragedy of the commons? the world’s oceans and overfishing
What is the condition in which human needs are met in such a way that a human population can survive indefinitely on the standard of living similar to the current one? sustainability
What would a sustainable world look like? Every generation would have the same amount of resources to work with
Explain the law of supply and demand. the greater the demand for a limited supply of something , the more the product is worth
What shows the productive area of the earth needed to support one person in a particular country? It estimates the land used for crops, grazing, forest products and housing. ecological footprint
Compare developed and developing nations in terms of health care. a.Developed: have available and affordable health care b.Developing: often do not have available heath care and its not affordable
What type of countries have higher incomes, diverse industrial economies, and have a large ecological footprint? developed countries
What type of countries have a simple agriculture-based communities, lower average incomes, and have a small ecological footprint? developing countries
Compare developed and developing countries in terms of their life expectancy. a. Developed: higher life expectancy (79 avg age) b. Developing: lower life expectancy (71 avg age)
When did most of today’s environmental problems originate? Industrial Revolution
What balances the cost of the action against the benefit expected from it? cost benefit analysis
What refers to the number and variety of species that live in an area? biodiversity
Why are species on the Endangered Species List endangered? Most species on the endangered species list can be attributed to habitat loss
___________ is the collection and classification of data that are in the form of numbers statistics
__________ the chance that something will happen probability
What is a relative arrangements of the members of a statistical population? distribution
___ is considered the average. mean
The _______ group receives the variable. experimental
What group does not receive the variable in an experiment? the control group
What is the factor of interest, the change, what you are testing in the experiment? variable
Compare independent and dependent variables -independent variable: factor being tested -Dependent variable: is what happens in the experiment as a direct result of adding the independent variable
What is a hypothesis? is the testable idea or explanation that is an "If/then" statement
What type of model is three dimensional that you can touch? physical model
What do graphical models consist of? maps and charts
What is a model that is a verbal or graphical explanation of how a system works or is organized? conceptual
Give 2 examples of conceptual models flow chart and bubble map
What is a probability of an unwanted outcome? risk
What is a systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity or undertaking? risk assessment
List the steps of the scientific method Observation, Problem, gather information or research, hypothesis, experiment, gather data, conclusion, repeat, communicate results
What is a value? principles or standards we consider important
What is an undesired change in air, water, or soil that negatively effects health, survival , or humans and other organisms? pollution
What are the 3 major categories of environmental problems? resource depletion, pollution, and loss of biodiversity
What percentage of the world’s resources are used by developed countries? 75%
What percentage of the world’s population lives in developed countries? 20%
What is ecology? study of how organisms interact with their environment and each other
What is extinct? no longer existing
List the 9 values in the Decision-Making Model Aesthetic, Economic, Educational, Ethical/Moral, Health, Recreational, Scientific, Social/Cultural
Created by: dcrovato
Popular Science sets




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