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Earth's Geography

Mrs. Bollenbach's Class - Academic Support

What are plate tectonics? Theory (an idea) that Earth’s surface is made up of slow moving slabs.
What is continental drift? How the earth’s slabs moved to create our continents
How do mountains form? There are plates on Earth’s surface They push together to create mountains Heat from mantle causes crust to rise forming mountains
What causes earthquakes? Plate movement causes them.
How are volcanoes made? Volcanoes are made when the Earth’s plates push together.
What is the difference between magma and lava? Magma is molten rock ( UNDER THE EARTH”S SURFACE) and lava is magma on top of the the Earth’s surface. Magma reaches a weak spot or crack in the Earth’s crust and escapes onto the surface.
In what ways are Earth's surfaces shaped? Glaciers- (thick masses of ice) grind down the land below them. Weathering - wearing away of rock mostly by water. Erosion- Carrying away of land by forces of nature ( wind, water, glaciers).
How/why do humans change the land? Human activity changes land. Draining wetlands, building new waterways and building.
Which ocean is the largest? The Pacific Ocean
What is the ocean floor like? Ocean floor has features like on land: mountain ranges, valleys, plains and basins.
How are waves created? Currents and waves are created by wind, earthquakes and storms.
What is surface water? Water from rivers and lakes is where humans can consume water.
What are streams, rivers and tributaries? Streams and River are bodies of water that flow over land. Tributary- Smaller streams that join rivers.
What is a reservoir? Lakes that form behind a human made dam.
What can form a lake? Glaciers, volcanoes craters, and people can form lakes.
What causes seasons? Earth moves around the sun on its axis causes seasons.
Where is it hottest on the earth? The curve of the Earth and its tilt on its axis affect the way the sun’s rays heat the surface. The closer a place’s latitude is to the equator, the more vertical rays it receives from the sun, making its climate warmer.
What climate do we live in? We live in a temperate climate, where climate varies with seasons ( hot in summer and cold in winter).
How does the land heat and cool compared to water? Land heats and cools faster than water, but water stays warmer longer. Ocean currents can bring warm water. Heating and cooling of land and water causes wind known as sea breezes and land breezes. .
What happens to the temperature as your altitude increases? The higher the altitude the cooler the temperature.
What is a tropical climate? A tropical climate is close to the equator in between Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. It is warm and rainy.
What is a polar climate? A polar climate is near the poles. COLD!
What is a temperate climate? Seasonal.
What two ways do people adapt to their climate? Housing and clothing
Where do people tend to settle? Near the water
What are reasons people migrate from one place to another? Factors that cause people to migrate are: job opportunities, drought, famine, war.
Created by: ssamuels
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