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Digestion Ch.15

Ch.15 Digestion & Nutrition

Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods and the absorption of the resulting nutrients by cells. T/F? True
The mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and large and small intestines make up the ______________ _________ of the digestive system. Alimentary canal
The salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas are considered __________________ _____________. Accessory Organs
The layer of the wall of the alimentary canal that is formed of surface epithelium and protects underlying tissue while carrying on absorption and secretion is the Serosa
The layer of the alimentary tube that keeps the outer surface of the alimentary tube moist and slippery is the ______________ Serosa
The material that covers the crown of the teeth is ____________. Enamel
Teeth that are chisel-shaped and whose function is to bite off pieces of food are __________. Incisors
Function of saliva is to begin digestion of protein. T/F? False
The salivary glands that secrete amylase are the _____________. Parotid
During swallowing, muscles draw the soft palate and uvula upward to __________________. Separate the oral and nasal cavities
When food enters the esophagus, it is transported to the stomach by a movement called ___________. Peristalis
The area of the stomach that acts as a temporary storage area is the _________________. Fundic region
The chief cells of the gastric glands secrete ___________________. digestive enzymes
The digestive enzyme pepsin secreted by gastric glands begins the digestion of ____________. Protein
The intrinsic factor secreted by the stomach aids in the absorption of ____________ ___________________from the small intestine. Vitamin B12
The presence of food in the small intestine ___________ gastric secretion. inhibits
The semifluid paste formed in the stomach by mixing food and gastric secretion is _____________ Chyme
The function of the gallbladder is to _____________ and __________ bile concentrate and store
The gallbladder is stimulated to release bile by the hormone _________________. Cholecystokinin
Function of bile is _____________________, ________________, and ________________. Emulsify fat globules, absorb fat, and absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
Portions of the small intestine: _________________, ___________, and ___________________. duodenum, jejunum, ileum
The velvety appearance of the lining of the small intestine is due to the presence of ____________________. villi
The small intestine absorbs __________ of the products of digestion. most
Digestive enzymes and mucus are secreted by the small intestine. T/F? True
Peristaltic rush in the small intestine results in ______________. diarrhea
The small intestine joins the large intestine at the _____________. cecum
The only significant secretion of the large intestine is ___________. mucus
The only nutrients normally absorbed in the large intestine are ____________________ and ___________________. electrolytes and water
Created by: n2biology
Popular Biology sets




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