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Chapter 18

Urinary Sytem

aldosterone hormone that causes the distal convoluted tubule to retain sodium, which leads to the retention of water, resulting in increased blood pressure
angiotensin a plasma protein produced when renin is released from the kidney; angiotensin II stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete aldosterone
antidiuretic hormone hormone that inhibits diuresis by stimulating the kidneys to conserve water
Bowman's capusule two layers of epithelial cells that envelop the glomerulus in an open-ended covering; also called the glomerular capsule
collecting duct receives drainage from the distal convoluted tubules of several different nephrons; eventually drains into the minor calyx
calyx a cup like structure that collects urine leaving the papilla of the kidney
detrussor muscle wall of the bladder
diuresis the secretion of large amounts of urine
glomerulus cluster of capillaries that are part of the renal corpuscles in the nephrons
hilum concave notch on medial side of kidney; where blood vessels, the ureters, and nerves enter and leave the kidney
loop of Henle U-shaped portion of the renal tubule
micturation urination
nephrons the filtration units of the kidney
peritubular capillaries network of capillaries surrounding the renal tubules
renal corpuscles one of the main components of nephrons, consisting of a glomerulus and Bowman's capsule, that filters blood plasma
renal cortex outer region of the kidney; site of urine production
renal medulla inner region of the kidney; site of urine collection
renal tubules series of tube-like structures within the nephron; where urine is formed
renin enzyme released by the kidneys in response to a drop in blood pressure that causes the conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I
specific gravity measurement that indicates the amount of solid matter in a liquid
tubular resorption process whereby chemicals are removed from filtrate in the renal tubules and returned to the blood
tubular secretion process whereby chemicals are added to the filtrate in the renal tubules
ureters muscular tubes connecting the renal pelvis of each kidney with the bladder
urethra small tube that conveys urine away from the bladder and out of the body
urinary bladder collapsible muscular sac that stores urine
Created by: lindstromjPN110
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