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Endocrine System

Hormones Mrs D

Androgens Adrenal Cortex and gonads Influence sex-related characteristics
Adrenocorticotropic hormone pituitary gland Stimulates the growth and secretions of the adrenal cortex
Antidiuretic hormone pituitary gland Helps control blood pressure by reducing the amount of water that is excreted
Calcitonin thyroid gland Works with the parathyroid hormone to regulate calcium levels in the blood and tissues
Cortisol adrenal cortex Regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the body. Also has an anti-inflammatory action
Epinephrine adrenal medulla Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
Estrogen ovaries Develops and maintains the female secondary sex characteristics and regulates the menstrual cycle
Follicle-stimulating hormone pituitary gland In the female, stimulates the secretion of estrogen and the growth of ova. In the male, stimulates the production of sperm.
Glucagon pancreatic islets Increases the level of glucose in the bloodstream
Growth hormone pituitary gland Regulates the growth of bone muscle and other body tissues
Human chronic gonadotropin placenta Stimulates the secretion of the hormones required to maintain the pregnancy
Insulin pancreatic islets Regulates the transport of glucose to body cells and stimulates the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen for storage
Lactogenic hormone pituitary gland Stimulates and maintains teh secretion of breast milk
Luteinizing hormone pituitary gland In the female, stimulates ovulation, In the male, stimulates testosterone secretion
Melatonin pineal gland Influences the sleep-wakefulness cycles
Norepinephrine adrenal medulla Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
Oxytocin pituitary gland Stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth. Causes mild to flow from the mammary glands after birth
Parathyroid hormone parathyroid glands Works with calcitonin to regulate calcium levels in the blood and tissues
Progesterone ovaries Completes preparation of the uterus for possible pregnancy
Testosterone testicles Stimulates the development of male secondary sex characteristics
Thymosin thymus Plays and important role in the immune system
Thyroid hormones thyroid gland Regulates the rate of metabolism
Thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary gland Stimulates the secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland
Aldosteron Adrenal Cortex Aids in regulating the levels of salt and water in the body
Created by: Roseforfrog
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