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Minerals + Rocks

earth science regents review

Atom smallest unit of matter
element a substance that cannot be broken down without changing its properties
compound two or more elements that are chemically combined and can not be separated
mixture two or more compounds that physically combine and can be separated
element is like egg
compound is like cake
mixture is like salade
mineral qualifications inorganic, natural, solid, definite chemical composition
how do minerals become rocks physically combined
most common mineral plagioclase feldspars
% of minerals that are silicates 60
silicates have Silicon and oxygen
Silica tetrahedron arrangement of atoms in a silicate
single chain structure one corner oxygen atoms are shared (pyroxene group)
double chain structure two corner oxygen atoms are shared (amphibole)
sheet silicate structure three oxygen atoms are shared (clay/ mica group )
mineral properties depend on composition
mineral properties 8 color, luster, crystal shape, streak, cleavage planes, hardness, acid test, special properties
what is luster the way light shines on an object
streak is the color of a mineral's powder
mineral hardness is measured with the mohs scale
which mineral reacts with acid? calcite
rocks are made of...? minerals
polymineralic rocks rocks made of multiple minerals
couldera/crater steep walled depression at the top of a volcanoe
neck solid igneous rock corefrom extinct volcanoe
dike appears as a wall from igneous intrusion
batholith large deep igneous intrusion
laccolith dome like intrusion that can form mountains
lava flows cracks on earth surface filled with lava
lava plains plateaus formed from lava
igneous rocks classified by texture and composition
inter grown crystals crystals that grow off each other
vesicular gass pockets
glassy smooth
regional metamorphic rock occurs over a vast are due to mountain building
contact metamorphism occurs in band along intrusions
foliation banding
rock types classified by how they're formed
sediments can be (2) weathered rocks or parts of living things
Clastic chunks of rocks pushed into one
stratification layering of sediments as they become rocks
beds layers
cross beds form from sand dunes or riverbeds
graded organized layers by particle size
mud cracks from dried up flooded plains
concretions rounded sedimentary deposits
chemical sedimentary rocks formed from materials that were once dissolved in water become rocks when water evaporates
organic (bioclastic) sedimentary rocks result of plant and animal remains
Coal process trees- peat- Lignite- Bituminous coal
limestone is made up of bones
% of earth made by 8 elements 90
matter has mass and volume
# of mineral in crust 92
Created by: HundoOnES
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