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Chapter 11

sense organs

adaptation the diminishing of a sensation that occurs after continuous exposure to a stimulus
analgesic drug used to relieve pain
aqueous humor clear, watery fluid that fills the anterior cavity of the eye
bony labyrinth complicated system of passageways within the temporal bone that contains the inner ear
chemoreceptors receptors that react to various chemicals, including odors, tastes, and the concentration of carious chemicals in the body
choroid highly vascular layer of tissue in the eye that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the sclera and retina
cillary body thickened extension of the choroid that secretes aqueous humor
cochlea snail-like structure in inner ear that contains the structures for hearing
cones photoreceptors in the retina responsible for color vision
conjunctiva transparent mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the anterior surface of the eyeball (except the cornea)
cornea transparent extension of sclera that sits over the iris and admits light into the eye
eustachian tube passageway from middle ear to nasopharynx
gustation sense of taste
lacrimal gland small gland that secretes tears
mechanoreceptors receptors that respond to factors that change the position of a receptor
nociceptors pain receptors that respond to tissue damage form trauma as well as form heat, chemicals, pressure, or a lack of oxygen
olfaction sense of smell
optic chiasm point in the brain where half of the optic nerve fibers cross to the opposite side of the brain
organ of corti hearing sense organ
papillae protrusions on the tongue on which taste buds are located
photoreceptors receptors in the eyes that respond to light
referred pain pain originating in a deep organ that is sensed as if it's originating form the body's surface
refraction bending of light rays so that they focus on the retina
retina innermost layer of the eye that contains receptors for vision
rods photoreceptors in the retina active in dim light
sclera outermost layer of the eye; formed form dense connective tissue
thermoreceptors receptros activated by a change in temperature
tympanic membrane membrane separating the outer ear from the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound waves; eardrum
vestibule structure of the inner ear that contains organs necessary for sense of balance
vitreous humor jelly-like substance that fills the posterior cavity of the eye
Created by: lindstromjPN110
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