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Number the Stars Voc

Complete Vocabulary for Chapters 1 to 17

Stern Unsympathetic, firm or strict
Defiantly Opposing or resisting power
Resistance The act of resisting or opposing any opposing force
Sabotage Deliberately (on purpose) destroy, damage or obstruct something for political or military advantage
Impassive Not feeling or showing emotion
solemn serious, grave, formal, or dignified
trousseau the clothes, belongings and household linen collected by a bride for her marriage
lingered to stay on longer than expected, to dawdle
defeated to beat, to cause to be conquered
intricate complicated, involved, detailed
dawdled to dilly-dally, to waste time
rationed 1)fixed amount of something that is given or allowed; 2) to limit the amount of resources to each person or group
unruly disobedient, lawless
curfew a set time enforced by law when people are to be off the streets
ridged a long narrow raised part of the hill, a crest
exasperated to irritate, provoke or enrage
carousel a merry-go-round
designated to point out, to indicate, to appoint
glowering having an angry or sullen look on one's face, scowl
ablaze burning fiercely
imperious Like a dictator; arrogant; haughty
murmur A low steady sound; a complaint made in a very low voice
contentedly satisfied
stalk to track secretly to catch; to walk in a stiff way
grimly Frightful; shocking; looking stern or harsh
tentatively made or done as a test for the time being; not definite or final
distorted to twist out of its usual shape or look
chatter to talk fast and in a foolish way without stopping; fast foolish talk
massive large, solid, heavy
outskirts the districts or parts from the center, as in a city
speckled a small mark as if a speck
squinted to draw the eyelids close together as if to see better
quilt a covering for a bed with lines of stitches forming a pattern
extending to make longer; to make more complete; to offer or give
overheard to hear something that one is not meant to hear
haze thin mist, smoke or dust in the air that makes it harder to see
relocate to set up or place somewhere different than where one currently is located
distracted to confuse or make one unable to think clearly; drawing away one's attention
pitcher a container for holding and pouring water, milk or other drinks
custom a usual thing to do; a habit
ancient a time of long past; having lasted a long time
dismayed to fill with fear or dread; a loss of courage
wryly twisted
wailing crying loudly and uncontrollably
gnarled full of gnarls and knobs; twisted and knotty
bond certificate sold by the government promising to pay money; an agreement between people
staccato in music, cut short with sharp breaks and tones
condescending to act proud and arrogant while doing someone a favor; be patronizing
gleamed to show happiness and pride
unfamiliar not familiar with; strange
shabby in poor condition
assembled to bring together or gather in one place
commotion a noisy rushing about
decently properly fitting; being kindly towards another
misshapen badly shaped or formed; disfigured
horizon the line where the sky seems to meet the Earth; the limit of one's experiences
gleam to smile or show happiness and pride
crumpled to crush together in creases; to fall to pieces or breakdown
hint a slight suggest that is made in an open or direct way
flung to throw or hurl
anxious having anxiety; eagerly waiting
wry using or expressing dry humor
discolored to change in color by fading, streaking or staining
hobbled to walk in a lame or clumsy way
clumsy awkward; not having good control
donned to put on; such as one's hat or coat
latticed a framework made of thin strips of wood or metal assembled in a crossing pattern
herring a small fish
prolong to make last longer
tantalize to tease or promise something and then hold it back and not give it
landscape a stretch of scenery that can be scene in one view; picture of scenery
scanned to look over quickly
wedge something causing a breach or separation
insolently not having or showing respect
strident harsh in sound; shrill or grating
warily marked by caution and watchfulness especially when trying to escape danger
packet a small package
solution solving a problem; providing the answer to a problem
halt to stop or cease activity
courageous having or showing courage
anthem the official song of a country
bleak cold and gloomy; not cheerful or hopeful
album a book with blank pages for showing pictures
amid among; in the middle of
gleamed to smile happily or show pride
Created by: ThaddeusHunt
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