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Mon April10 Review

Who created the polio vaccine? Jonas Salk
Who created the smallpox vaccine? Edward Jenner
Who created the rabies vaccine? Louis Pasteur
What is pasteurization? a way to make food and drink safe to drink by killing harmful bacteria
What is a vaccine? A shot that you get which contains a small amount or a weakened version of a disease that prevents you from getting that disease
What is influenza? the flu, a sickness that is caused by a virus
What important contribution to medicine did Jonas Salk make? He created the polio vacccine
What contribution did Edward Jenner make toscience? He created the smallpox vaccine
What contribution did Louis Pasteur make to science? created the rabies vaccine and invented pasteurization, which is a way to kill harmful bacteria in food and drink
What important contribution did Alexander Fleming make to science? he discovered penicillin
What does penicillin do? destroys harmful bacteria in the body
Which weather instrument measures air pressure? barometer
Which weather instrument measures wind speed? anemometer
Which weather instrument measures wind direction? wind vane or weather vane
Which weather instrument measures humidity in the air? hygrometer
What kind of weather should you expect when there is high air pressure? clear skies / happy weather
What does a barometer measure? air pressure
What is humidity? the amount of water vapor in the air
What kind of weather should you expect when there is low air pressure? cloudy, rainy, lousy weather
What does a wind vane (or weather vane) measure? wind direction
What does an anemometer measure? wind speed
What does a hygrometer measure? humidity (water vapor) in the air
Which weather instrument measures air temperature? thermometer
What kind of process forms deltas, alluvial fans, sandbars, sand dunes, and volcanic islands? constructive
What is is called when rocks are broken down? weathering
How are U shaped valleys formed? movement of glaciers, moving sediment and rock
What does a thermometer measure? air temperature
What kind of process forms valleys, canyons, cliffs, and sea arches? destructive
How are V shaped valleys formed? rivers flowing, removing sediment
How are canyons formed? rivers moving sand and sediment
What is it called when sediment, soil, or sand is moved by wind, water, or ice? erosion
What kind of adaptation includes examples such as camouflage and hibernation? structural (physical)
What kind of adaptation includes examples such as a deer running, a cat hissing, and a turtle going into his shell? behavioral
What is it called when an animal goes into a long period of inactivity? hibernation
What is it called when an animal or a group of animals move from place to place? migration
When an animal looks like another animal that may be dangerous or poisonous in order to protect itself, it is called what? mimicry
What is it when an animal blends into its surroundings, making it difficult to see? camoflage
What does putting salt on ice do? lowers the freezing point of water
When electricity is passed through a wire coiled around an iron core (such a nail or screw), it creates what? an elecromagnet
More coils in an electromagnet causes the electromagnet to become what? stronger
When solid turns to a liquid melt / melting point
When gas turns to a liquid condensation
The two changes of state that require ADDING energy (heat) melting & evaporation
When liquid turns to gas evaporation / boiling point
When liquid turns to a solid freezing
The two changes of state that require TAKING AWAY energy (heat) condensation & freezing
A unicellular ocean animal zooplankton
Which scientist discovered that you should disinfect hands and medical tools before operations to get rid of bacteria? Joseph Lister
What kind of material can be hammered into thin sheets, conducts electricity and heat, and is usually shiny? metals
What is the composition of the four inner planets? rocky
A unicellular ocean plant phytoplankton
What is the largest planet? Jupiter
What is the composition of the four outer planets? gas
Which planet has the shortest orbit? Mercury
How long does it take the Earth to make one revolution around the sun? 365 1/4 days
How long does it take the moon to make one revolution around the Earth? 28 days
How long does it take the Earth to rotate once on its axis? 24 hours
The amount of space an object takes up is volume
What does the word SCARCE mean? very little, not a lot
What is a DROUGHT? no rain for a long period of time
What does the word CONCERN mean? worry, problem, issue
What does the word ACCURATE mean? correct, right
What part of the cell controls the cell's activities? nucleus
What part of the cell controls what goes into and out of the cell? cell membrane
What part of the cell stores water and waste? vacuole
What part of the cell make the energy for the cell? mitochondria
What part of a PLANT CELL ONLY helps make the food for the cell? chloroplast
What part of a PLANT CELL only gives the cell its structure and rigid shape? cell wall
Which kind of cell can more easily change shape? animal cell because it doesn't have a cell wall
Two or more atoms make a what? molecule
Two or more elements make a what? compound
What is every single thing in the universe made of? atoms
What do ALL living things have? cells
A material that you cannot see through and light cannot go through is? opaque
Soil that is mostly composed of organic material is called what? humus
Material that light can partially go through and you can partly see through translucent
What kind of soil has the smallest particles? clay
Material that light can go completely through and you can see through transparent
Is water a conductor or insulator of electricity? conductor
What is the one thing that you can change in an experiment called? independent variable
Which scientific tool can measure both mass in grams and force in newtons? spring scale
What are some problems with regular spray irrigation? the water is wasted due to runoff and evaporation
What are some things you can do to speed up dissolving a substance? smaller particles, heated liquid, and stirring
What is a primary consumer? the first animal in a food chain - always a herbivore
What kind of animal is always first in a food chain? herbivore
One animal that reproduces asexually or sexually, which is unusual is a what? komodo dragon
In one year, how many times will the moon make a revolution around the Earth? approximately 12 times
What kind of vertebrate starts out with gills and lives in the water, and grows lungs and moves onto land in adulthood? amphibian
An animal with a backbone is called what? vertebrate
Name the groups of vertebrates. amphibian, bird, fish, mammal, reptile
Minerals are composed of what? Elements
What is the color a mineral leaves behind on a tile?? streak
What is the property of minerals that tells how easily or hard it is to scratch it? hardness
What is it when a mineral breaks along straight, even lines? cleavage
What is it when a mineral breaks along jagged, uneven lines? fracture
What layer of the earth contains all the water on Earth? hydrosphere
What layer of the atmosphere contains all the weather? troposphere
What layer of the atmosphere is farthest from Earth? exosphere
What layer of the atmosphere has the greatest air pressure? troposphere
What is the thin layer of rock at the top of the mantle? lithosphere
What is the inner core composed of? solid iron and nickel
What is the thickest layer of the Earth? mantle
Which property of matter tells how it feels to the touch? texture
On a time / distance line graph, how do you know when the object or person has stopped moving? the line is straight
What is the name for the relationship between two organisms who help each other? mutualism
What are rain, snow, sleet, and hail examples of? precipitation
What tool can be used to separate the solute from a liquid? a hotplate
What do we call an animal that gets hunted by another animal? prey
What is a special kind of mixture that has something dissolved in liquid? solution
What do we call an animal that hunts another animal for food? predator
What does the word LACK mean? doesn't have, not there
What does the word SIGNIFICANT mean? important
What are some examples of precipitation? rain,snow, sleet, hail
Name some organs that are in the respiratory system. lungs, diaphragm, trachea bronchial tubes
Name some organs that are in the digestive system. esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine
What does the word CONSERVE mean? save; not waste
Created by: tfortenberry
Popular Science sets




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