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aquatic biomes

questions about freshwater, transition, and marine biomes

approximate amount of freshwater on earth... and where it is located( 3 places) about 3%.... most is in glaciers ... 2nd location groundwater and a very small amount in surface water ( lakes, ponds, rivers, streams etc)
What freshwater ecosystem has water that flows in one direction ...generally to a larger body of water.., Organisms must withstand constant water currents rivers and streams
an inland body of standing water lake or pond
3 zones of a lake environment Littoral, Limnetic, and Profundal
Parts of the lake that have the most biodiversity Littoral and Limnetic zone
Part of Lake found in larger lakes with little species diversity and where the bottom dwellers are found Profundal
zone of lake closest to shore where the water is shallow enough to allow sunlight to reach area of high photosynthesis and many producers ( algae and aquatic plants) Littoral
The open water zone of a lake that is well lit and has lots of plankton.. Since food is available there are many fish Limnetic
List 5 characteristics of the Profundal zone of a lake ( think about the living conditions) cold, low in oxygen, the bottom dwellers depend on food to drift down to them... limited light and limited species
Zone of lake that is the deepest area of a large lake Profundal
Name two transitional aquatic ecosystems Wetlands and Estuaries
Name 3 types of wetlands marshes, swamps, and bogs
What is special about a bog? they have decomposing vegetation dominanted by mosses ( peat moss is from bogs)
What is an area of land saturated with water that supports aquatic plants a wetland
Wetlands and Estuaries are important environmentally because they are areas well known for much species diversity
an example of a tropical estuary... where do we have one in the United States mangrove swamp... The everglades is a mangrove swamp
Give 2 reasons that estuaries are very important environmentally they are a nurseries for many marine fish and invertebrates like shrimp.. Waterfowl use them for nesting, feeding and as migration rest areas
List the top 3 biomes as far as having diverse ecosystems Tropical Rain forest, Coral Reef, and Estuaries
What is formed when freshwater from a river or stream merges with the salt water from the ocean Estuary
Organisms that eat tiny pieces of organic matter that was produced by decomposition are common in estuaries and are called ? name 3 detritivores, worms, oysters, and crabs
what name is given to tiny pieces of organic matter produced by decomposition detritis
Where is a likely place to find duckweeks, pondlilies, cattails, mangroves, and willows a wet lands
the narrow band where the ocean meets the land is called the intertidal zone
what is a big challenge for organisms in the intertidal zone they are constantly being submerged in water and exposed to air as the tides and waves affect the area
Two major zones of the open ocean deal with the abiotic factor of light... they are called the ____ and ____ zones ( explain) photic and aphotic zone... photic zone with light and aphotic without light ... and the depth increases the amount of light decreases
What is the ocean bottom called... it is found in the shallow areas and deep areas.. what is it made of? benthic zone... sand, silt and dead organisms
What happens to species diversity as you go deeper and deeper into the ocean... give one exception to this rule as you go deeper the species diversity decreases. an exception to this is the hydrothermal vents
very tiny free floating aquatic organisms that are a crucial source of food ( they are the base of the foodchain) plankton
two types of plankton are ___ and ____ ( describe each briefly) zooplankton and phytoplankton... zooplankton are animals like ( may be protozoans or protist or may be large of various animals).. phytoplankton is plant-like plankton ( they would be types of algae)
Give 3 ways the marine ecosystem has an impact on the earth they consume Carbon dioxide and Produce oxygen ( over 50%).. and the ocean is a major location for evaporation of water that eventuallly helps with percipitation
What name is given to the deepest zone of the Open Ocean the Abyssal zone
What is an area of greater biodiversity in the Abyssal zone the hydrothermal vents
Describe the hydrothermal vents located at the boundaries of the earth's plates, they release large amount of hot water, gases, and minerals ( a black cloud).. bacteria use the chemcals for energy and are the base of the food chain. Other organisms here are clams, crabs. fish etc
How is the abyssal zone of an ocean like the profundal zone of the freshwater lake they are both very deep water, dark, cold, and organisms rely on food drifting down to them from above
What is the general location of coral reefs warm , shallow marine water
How do coral reefs protect continents they are natural barriers along continents and protect them from erosion
What is true about the species diversity of a coral reef they are one of the most species diverse ecosystems.. they can be called the tropical rainforest of the ocean
Describe the dominant organism of a coral reef the dominant organism is a coral ... a small soft bodied invertebrate related to jellyfish that is surrounded by a hard covering of calcium carbonate. They feed using tentacles to get plankton from the water...
Many coral have a symbiotic relationship with... algae ( the algae provides some food and the coral provides protection and access to light)
How can a tsunami kill a coral reef it can cover the coral reef with sediment
what else can harm coral reefs land development and when we harvest calcium carbonate
Created by: shemehl
Popular Biology sets




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